internal symmetry :SU(3) c ×SU(2) L ×U(1) Y standard model ( 標準模型 ) quarks SU(3) c leptons L Higgs scalar Lorentzian invariance, locality, renormalizability, SU(3) c :color, SU(2) L :weak iso spin U(1) Y : hypercharge gauge symmetry hypercharge requirements: fields : SU(3) c : SU(2) L : U(1) Y gauge bosons 3 fermions R 1 SU(2) L 2 11 1/ 2/3 4/ L R matter fields
U(1) symmetry of phase transformations Symmetry Groups U(1) group of multiplications by U e i with real . f → f ' e i f The transformations are commutative. Abelian group Fields are transformed as Infinitesimal transformation the only irreducible representation is one dimensional. f → f ' f i f f i f f † f is invariant under global and gauge transformation. f † → f † ' e i f † Then f † f → f † ' f ' e i f † e i f f † f ∴ called commutative group or Invariants under all the infinitesimal transformation is invariant under the whole connected part of the group Because the transformations are commutative.
Example 2: O(3) symmetry of space rotations X : infinitesimal rotation angular momentum generator commutators representations on Fock space commutators irreducible representations are specified by a harf integer j 2 j +1dimensional representation O(3) group of 3×3 real matrices A with AA t 1(orthogonal) o(3) Lie Algebra of X such that A e iX ∊ O(3) space rotation of o(3) The transformations are not commutative. non-Abelian group non-commutative group
Example 3: SU(2) isospin symmetry isospin generator commutators representations on Fock space commutators irreducible representations are specified by a harf integer i 2 i +1dimensional representation SU(2) group of 2×2 complex matrices U with UU † =1 (unitary) & det U = 1 (special) SU(2) is homomorphic to O(3) su(2) Lie Algebra of X such that e iX ∊ SU(2) i Pauli matrices non-commutative group
Example 4: SU(3) unitary symmetry unitary spin generator commutators representations on Fock space commutators irreducible representations are specified by two integers SU(3) group of complex 3×3 matrices U with UU † =1 (unitary) & det U = 1 (special) su(3) Lie Algebra of X such that e iX ∊ SU(3) i Gell-mann matrices *815 26*15*27 310* non-commutative group
Example: U(1) symmetry Global Symmetry and Gauge Symmetry transformations are f → f ' e i f f † f is invariant under global and gauge transformation. Fields are transformed as the spacetime coordinates. independent of dependent on Global Gauge but not invariant under global transformation, because ∂ f →∂ f ' e i ∂ f i ∂ e i f ∂ f ' † ∂ f ' (∂ f if ∂ )(∂ f if ∂ ) ≠ ∂ f † ∂ f e i (∂ f if ∂ ) ∂ f † ∂ f is invariant under global transformation, f † → f † ' e i f †
gauge invariant Lagrangian covariant derivative gauge field sistem with
standard model ( 標準模型 )