One plus, two plus, three plus, NO Three minus, two minus, one minus, NO
Formulae of Ionic Compounds What are the formulae for the ionic compounds formed from these reactants? 1.Magnesium + Chlorine 2.Aluminium + Bromine 3.Sodium + Oxygen 4.Aluminium + Oxygen 5.Sodium + Bromine 6.Calcium + Oxygen
ANSWERS What are the formulae for the ionic compounds formed from these reactants? 1.Magnesium + Chlorine 2.Aluminium + Bromine 3.Sodium + Oxygen 4.Aluminium + Oxygen 5.Sodium + Bromine 6.Calcium + Oxygen
Iron Man 2 Please insert picture of Iron Man SPOT THE MISTAKE!!!
Iron Man 2 SPOT THE MISTAKE!!! TASK: TASK: In iron man 2, Tony Stark is injected with ‘lithium dioxide’. What would the formula for lithium dioxide be? Why is this a mistake? INSERT PICTURE OF IRON MAN
I know nothing I know one thing I know a few things I know and can link my ideas together I can link my ideas together
TASK: TASK: Make links between word A and B to help you remember which word matches with which.
Electrolysis inert cathode anode decompose molten ionic covalent metallic reduction oxidation redox brine chlorine sodium ion chloride purification copper
Electrolysis can be used to separate ionic substances. Ionic substances contain positive metal ions and negative non-metal ions. What is Electrolysis? TASK: TASK: Draw the diagram Na + Cl -
The positive ions are attracted to the CATHODE (negative electrode) The negative ions are attracted to the ANODE (positive electrode) What is Electrolysis?
What happens at the electrodes? O O xidation IIsIIs L L oss R R eduction IIsIIs G G ainOILRIG
Extraction processes The Reactivity Series potassium sodium calcium magnesium aluminium zinc iron copper gold (carbon) Increasing reactivity Metals above carbon must be extracted using electrolysis. Metals below carbon can be extracted from the ore by reduction using carbon, coke, or charcoal. Gold and silver often do not need to be extracted. They occur native. The reactivity of a metal determines the method of extraction. lead silver
Ionic Half Equations Al electrons (3 e-) → Al NaCl → Na + + Cl - What would happen at the anode? What would happen at the cathode?
What is brine? What four elements are in brine? The electrolysis of BRINE gives us some useful products
Venn Diagrams Famous People Austrians Horrible
Atom Element Compound Molecule IonTASK: Define the keywords below Create a Venn diagram to show the similarities between these keywords. Use the textbook to help you.
One type of element No Charge Multiple types of element ChargedAtomElementCompoundIonMolecule Atom Molecule Compound Element Ion
I know nothing I know one thing I know a few things I know and can link my ideas together I can link my ideas together
Electrolysis inert cathode anode decompose molten ionic covalent metallic reduction oxidation redox brine chlorine sodium ion chloride purification copper