Diversity and Outreach in Penn Engineering Rita Powell October 30, 2015
CIS/SEAS - Who We Are CIS – a National Center for Women in IT (NCWIT) Academic Alliance member since 2008 Faculty Liaison or diversity committee in each SEAS department Multiple pathways into major - multiple tracks BSE or BAS in Computer Science BSE in Digital Media Design and NETS Networked and Social System Computer Science as 2 nd Major in the College Minor in Computer Science Women in Computer Science for undergraduates Student Outreach Committee interfaces with high schools Percentage of undergraduate women 18% in % in
CIS Graduate Programs 5 Masters Programs and the PhD program CISters for women graduate students in CIS, ESE and MEAM EnrollmentWomen% CIS PhD % CIS/MSE % MCIT % CGGT401332% Robo972021% EMBS471328% Total %
WICS High School Day for Girls by CIS, ESE, MEAM Faculty, Students and Staff Computer Science-Mechanical Engineering-Electrical Engineering
WICS High School Day for Girls Mission: To show girls what computer scientists and engineers do and encourage them to study computer science and engineering in college A day in Penn Engineering—Students meet faculty and Penn students, tour labs, attend a class and have fun! 800 students have participated since 2008 Funded by the National Center for Women & IT and Penn Engineering 5
Penn Emerging Scholars A Peer-Led Team Learning Workshop Target: Underrepresented Undergraduates Is the major a good fit for me?
Peer-Led Team Learning Penn Emerging Scholars Program PhD student Joao Sedoc with Peer leaders Two PhD students oversee 4 peer leaders for two weekly workshop series Program targets women and underrepresented students Through Logical Puzzles, undergraduates see the logic behind computer science solutions to problems
What is SEAS doing for Underrepresented Graduate Students? More attention being paid to PhD student progress by CIS faculty More face time for first year students with faculty New SEAS Dean Vijay Kumar committed to increasing PhD students, especially underrepresented students SEAS Diversity Plan posted on the SEAS web site New SEAS Faculty Diversity Committee created to support the plan Paulo Arratia, Chair of SEAS diversity committee, is pushing new initiatives and more recruiting efforts CIS applying NCWIT recommendations for supporting women to all underrepresented students We welcome your recommendations!