Carbohydrates FNW Unit 5A Nutrients & Nutrient Classes HUM-FL-4: Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families. 4.1 Identify basic nutrient information i.e. nutrient classes and major sources of each.
The Facts of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the body’s chief source of energy Most come from plant foods Three Main Types are important in your diet Sugars Starches Fiber
Molecular Structure of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are made up of a single sugar unit called Monosaccharides Carbohydrates made up of a pair of sugar units are called Disaccharides Carbohydrates made up of many sugar units are called Polysaccharides Check out this video to dig deeper.
Functions of Carbohydrates The main function is to furnish the body with energy. Carbohydrates are the only source of energy the brain can use The body can use Carbohydrates more readily than fats or proteins Protein is used mainly to build & repair tissue and fats are serve as long lasting energy reserves. If there are not carbohydrates for energy then they can’t preform these tasks.
Sugars Because of their molecular structures sugars are sometimes called… Simple Carbohydrates Glucose – Throughout the body and called the blood sugar Fructose – Sweetest of all sugars and called the fruit sugar Galactose - found attached to glucose to form sugar in milk Sucrose – Ordinary Table Sugar Lactose – Milk of Mammals (AKA Milk Sugar) Maltose – Found in grain products. Malt Sugar
Starches & Grains Made from many glucose sugar units that are blended together & are called… Complex Carbohydrates Starch is the storage form of energy in plants. Because our diets have a large amount of plant foods, starch is the most abundant carbohydrate in the diet. When we digest plant foods they release energy stored by plants as starch. They body then releases them as energy for fuel.
Starches & Grains Cont. Fiber is a form of complex carbohydrate from plants that humans cannot digest. It doesn’t provide the body with energy but provides bulk in the diet for normal bowel function. Functions performed by fiber are linked to Heart Disease and some cancer. Fiber binds to a compound made from cholesterol and carries it out of the body. It helps to lower cholesterol levels which can reduce heart disease. Fiber stimulates the muscles in the digestive tract which helps speed food through the body. The bulk created by fiber can help reduce carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) Men through age 50 consume 38grams/day Women through age 50 consume 25grams/day After 50 intakes drop
Sources of Carbohydrates Sources high in simple carbohydrates Sugars, syrups, soft drinks, jams, jellies, candies and other sweets Sources of Starch Breads, cereals, pasta products and rice. Some vegetables – corn, potatoes dried beans & peas Sources of Fiber Whole grain cereals, fresh fruits & vegetables
Excesses & Deficiencies Related to Carbohydrates Foods high in carbs are abundant in the U.S. so we don’t have many deficiencies. Can cause the body to protein as energy and can interfere with normal growth & repair of body tissue. Can cause a chemical imbalance in the body If the diet is lacking fiber constipation may occur. An excess of Simple Carbohydrate foods can deprive the body of nutrients it needs to function and lead to weight gain.
Recommendations for Carbohydrates Eat a diet high in whole-grain breads & cereals Limit the number of calories consumed from fat Make sure most of your calories come from complex carbohydrates especially those that are high in fiber Remember your foods energy is measured in calories.