The mobile ‘reading group’ An informal monthly(?) meeting of IH staff interested in the implementation of phones and tablets in class. Meeting place is the online classroom (adobe). You’ll need a mic and headphones. Room access is: Adode works on tablets. You can download from both the app store and google play
Meeting One Theme: Getting started – ok we have a device, now what? 1. Buying a class set, one device or BYOD? 2. The importance of digital literacy 3. Keeping everyone safe - from bullying to data protection 4. It’s not about the apps 5. A simple activity?
Some reading: 1.5 Tips to implementing iPad technology in the classroom implementing-iPad-technology-in-the-classroom 2. How To Overcome The iPad Learning Curve 3. Teaching in the one Ipad classroom And 4. Tech-savvy teaching: BYOD 21_4.sflb.ashx 5. Getting to know the Ipad and each other.
Some things to consider: Organisational How do you keep them all charged and updated? Locking down or opening up i.e. personalising or treating as organisational devices Theft prevention Wireless Pedagogical Do you focus on specific apps or generalised apps? How do you prepare teachers in classroom management for iPads? Learner centred, active learning not teacher centred, passive learning – can be a challenge for some Are they multi-user devices or personal devices? Convincing teaching staff of their value Giving time to explore their potential Based on Using iPads in Education by Chris Barber