CHRISTIANITY What are the two most popular religions in the world today?
CHRISTIANITY The religion centered on belief in JESUS as the Son of God. CHRIST – from the Greek word “christos” meaning “anointed” or messiah. 1 st Century AD – Christianity grew slowly 2 nd Century AD – “ took root 3 rd Century AD – “ was widespread
AT THE TIME OF JESUS’ BIRTH, THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE WERE IN POWER: King of Judea: Herod Roman Governor General: Pontius Pilate Roman Emperor: Augustus
HISTORY Jesus = a Jew born in Bethlehem – regional tax collecting/census center (under Roman control) According to the Gospels, Jesus was born from a virgin (Mary). “The Immaculate Conception” Grew up in in the city of Nazareth in Galilee – (modern-day Northern Israel) Baptized by John the Baptist, began his ministry Because his teachings emphasized spiritual equality, they appealed to many, especially women and the poor
HISTORY: According to Matthew, Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in he wilderness to endure temptation from Satan. Jesus next began gathering his disciples, and traveled throughout Galilee, teaching and preaching. Jesus delivered the famous Sermon on the Mount, were he taught many of his well-known lessons, including the Beatitudes, or statements beginning with “Blessed are….” With his teachings of equality, Jesus appealed especially to: the poor and women.
HISTORY Many Jews see him as a threat – call him a false prophet Caiaphus, the High Priest of Jersusalem, meets with the Governor General, Pontius Pilate. Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus and his disciples ate the Last Supper, and Romans arrest him. Jesus is tried and charged with blasphemy. Jesus went on trial a total of 6 times on his last day of life. 3 for religious court and 3 for Roman Court. Pontius Pilate (Roman governor of Judea) allows Jesus to be crucified Crucifixion – “Good Friday” Resurrection – Easter Sunday Christianity is spread by 12 disciples but especially Saul/Paul. He wrote the majority of books in the New Testament.
HISTORY > According to custom, the Roman governor released one prisoner for the Jews on Passover. Pilate let the crowd choose between Jesus and Barabbas. Pilate washed his hands of Jesus’ death, and Jesus was crucified. His resurrection occurred two days later. The person most responsible for the growth of Christianity is Paul/Saul. He was struck down on the road to Damascus and became a follower of Christ.
Paul traveled all over the empire, acting as a missionary. He also wrote several books in the New Testament. The Romans didn’t pay too much attention to Christianity until it started to grow in popularity. The emperor, Nero, would persecute Christians by putting them in the coliseum to fight or be mauled by animals. Diocletian issued a decree outlawing Christianity. Constantine was secretly married to a Christian and issued the famous Edict of Milan in 313 A.D. This granted religious freedom throughout the Roman Empire, making Christianity legal, but not the state religion. Under the emperor Theodosius, all other religions were outlawed. In 325 A.D., the Council of Nicea met to determine the beliefs of the empire.
ORGANIZATION Original Church was Catholic or universal Pope Cardinals Archbishops Bishops Priests 1054 AD – Great Schism – Eastern Orthodox 1500s AD – Protestant Reformation Today: 3 Branches – Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant
TEACHINGS/BELIEFS God is a Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Faith/Belief = Salvation +++Differences - The Eucharist – actual or symbolic? - Baptism – age/sprinkle v. immersion -predestination -confirmation -marriage/divorce -confession/penance
QUIZ TODAY Test on Friday – Multiple Choice Islam Hinduism Buddhism Christianity Judaism Power points will be posted on my website The test will be broken down by religion: paragraph to read and with questions over the reading AND questions from class discussion/power points
TEAM NAME: 5 MINUTES Rules: 1. Everyone must have a say in the name. 2. Everyone must agree on the team name. The name can be based on things that teammates have in common or the name can celebrate their differences. The name must be appropriate.
TEAM HANDSHAKE AND CHEER: 5 MINUTES Rule: 1. Everyone’s hand must touch at some point in the handshake. 2. When you let go, the team must make a sound or shout an appropriate word or phrase. This can somehow symbolize the team name. You can use the handshake and cheer to greet each other and celebrate success throughout the trimester.
TEAM LOGO: 5 MINUTES On White paper This can include words or colors Everyone must be involved in creating the team logo or banner.
TEAM SHIELDS Every person on each team gets one shield. Each person will fill in the information and decorate it however you please but appropriate Cut out and glue/tape all of your team shields on a poster Put your team name on the poster Put your team logo on the poster Make sure team members names are on the back of the poster All information/pictures must be appropriate or a score of 0 will be given and Mrs. Elam will then determine the teams Formative Assessment Score – 30 Points