Friday, January 23 rd 4:30 – 6:30
Dance Facts and Info Tickets are $5.00 (sold January 20-23) CASH ONLY Refunds are limited on a case by case basis. Purchase wisely! You may wait on University after school on Jan. 23 until dance time. No ISS assignments or no suspensions from January 6 – 23 All dhalls and Thursday Classes must be cleared
Dance Snacks Pizza, popcorn, drinks, snow cones will be sold so bring money to spend! CASH ONLY Before you store your backpacks and purses, remember to keep out your money!
What to Wear Must be in Humble ISD dress code You may go home and change clothes, or stay in your school clothes. Backpacks/purses will be stored.
Dance Photos Commemorate your first middle school dance by getting photos taken. May be individuals or with a group $2.00 per copy of photo Up to six people in the photo Must pay in CASH at the time photos are taken
Dance Behavior Expectations Have FUN! Participate in dances Do not leave without permission. Stay in cafeteria area at all times. Follow all school rules Not responsible for electronics Use your manners!
Golden Lion Tickets Teachers and campus personnel will have 10 Golden Lion tickets to award to VERY deserving students who go above and beyond in behavior expectations and/or academics. Students will place their Golden Lion tickets into a drawing on January 22 nd for free dance tickets (reimbursement if already purchased),free snacks, free photos,etc. WMS
Going Home Dance is over at 6:30. Pre-arrange your ride! No one leaves early unless a parent comes in to get you and speaks with a chaperone.