WWI Era : Home Front (What happens at home?)
Economics :Financing The War with Liberty Bonds U.S. economy not prepared for a war Government borrowed money from US citizens by issued Liberty Bonds Bonds - Redeemed in the future for face value plus interest (what are bonds you ask?)(what are bonds you ask?) Bond Advertisements raised $20 billion Boy & Girl scouts advertised Artists drew posters Actors & actresses - advertised
Economics: Managing the Private Economy Gov’t managed industry by Agencies Agencies worked to increase war related output & establish price controls Created daylight savings Distributed raw materials Set standard wages, hours, conditions Gov’t Rations for citizens Lever Food & Fuel Control Act Rationing was implemented for food & fuel Instituted gasless days
Enforcing Loyalty Government Censorship Censorship of the press & banning certain publications Use of Propaganda Committee of Public Information created in order to rally war support Public fear of foreigners & terrorism led to restrictions on immigration General hostility towards Germans: German composers and musicians banned from playing Hamburger renamed the Liberty Sandwich Some Germans were assaulted and lynched
Repressing Civil Liberties Espionage Act Illegal to interfere with the draft Sedition Act – 1918 Illegal to obstruct the sale of Liberty Bonds Illegal to say anything disloyal, profane or abusive about gov’t, constitution & military Repression of Freedoms of Speech, criticism, dissent
Social Changes Restrictions on immigration & the draft depletes the labor pool... Great Migration starts - 500K African Americans moved from S. states to N. factories Opportunities for women 400K women joined the workforce
Social Changes : The Great Migration Northbound movement of nearly six million African Americans between 1915 and
Social Changes Prohibition was passed in 1917 Outlawed the manufacturing, sale, transportation & consumption of alcohol in the United States Alcohol required wheat and grain, which was needed to support the war effort.
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