Who wants to be a Psychology Millionaire- 3? Hosted by Mr. Reed
The Prizes 1 - $ $ $ $1, $2, $4, $8, $16, $32, $64, $125, $250, $500, $1,000,000
Lifelines 50/50 Ask the audience
$100 Question: Which theorist proposed the individuals have 8 different intelligences B – Sternberg A – Weschler C - Gardner D - Goleman C – Gardner
$200 Question: The nervous system that calms and restores energy B – central A – somatic C – sympathetic D – parasympathetic
$500 Question: This correlation coefficient is the strongest B – -.83 A – 0.0 C – +.4 D – -.33 B – -.83
$1,000 Question: A rigid body and unresponsiveness is characteristic of which schizophrenic subtype? B – Paranoid A – Catatonic C – Disorganized D – Undifferentiated A – Catatonic
$2,000 Question: Which sense receives info from the semi-circular canals in the ear? B – Gustation A – Audition C - Kinesthesis D - Vestibular
$4,000 Question: Frued’s defensive mechanism where people take out frustration on something that did not cause it? B – Projection A – Reaction formation C – Displacement D – Sublimation C – Displacement
$8,000 Question: The repeated presentation of the CS without the UCS results in: B – Extinction A – Generalization C –Inhibition D – Negative Reinforcement B – Extinction
$16,000 Question: Lesioning of the lateral hypothalamus will cause the mouse to: B – increase production of insulin A – decrease production of insulin C – over eat D – starve itself
$32,000 Question: According to Freud, which part of the personality operates on the reality principle? B - Ego A – Id C – Superego D – Oedipus B – Ego
$64,000 Question: Echoic memory refers to B – Auditory Perception A – Visual Perception C – Eidetic Perception D – Verbal Codes B – Auditory Perception
$125,000 Question: The brain waves associated with stage one sleep? B – Beta A – Theta C – Delta D – Sigma A – Theta
$250,000 Question: Which of the following is NOT a projective test? B – Rorcharch A - TAT C - MMPI D – Sentence Completion C - MMPI
$500,000 Question: Which of the following is not a Gestalt grouping? B – Proximity A – Similarity C – Interposition D – Closure C – Interposition
$1,000,000 Question: Which of the following is stored in the cerebellum? B – episodic memories A – semantic memories C – implicit memories D – explicit memories C – implicit memories