Tools for Linguistic Analysis
Overview of Linguistic Tools Dictionaries Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) Whissell’s Dictionary of Affective Language Whissell’s Dictionary of Affective Language WordNet WordNet Parts of Speech Taggers (POS) Brown Corpus Brown Corpus Stanford POS Stanford POS Penn Treebank Penn Treebank Programming Toolkits Python Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Python Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) SPLICE Data Mining / Classification Tools WEKA WEKA Rattle (for R Statistics Package) Rattle
Dictionary Categorized lists of words Useful in describing the contents of a chunk of natural language (emotion, tense, pronouns, certainty, non- fluencies) Demo
Part of Speech (POS) Taggers & Python NLTK Cool Online POS Demo Cool Online POS Demo DEMO: POS Python Natural Language Toolkit Mary had a little lamb. Proper Singular Noun Past Tense Verb Determiner Adjective Singular Noun
The Linguistic Swiss Army Tool
Data Mining / Classification Rattle for R