Additional information about the USA and Vietnam 1965 – 1968 Addition info. re Vietnam
Additional info. re Vietnam Troop escalation under LBJ By late March 65: US marines engaged in combat End of 65: 184K US military personnel in Nam End of 66: 450K Early 68: over 500K
Additional info re. Vietnam 64-73: 11.7M Americans served in the armed forces 2.1M were sent to Vietnam 1.6M saw combat However, 26.8M US men came of draft age during the war – the majority therefore avoided the military altogether. That said, c. 300K men were drafted each year between 65 and 68. Around 80% of US soldiers in Nam were from poor, working- class backgrounds. In 65, 24% of US combat deaths were black – this dropped to 13% in 68. Most students received deferments until mid-68. Average soldier age was 19 (27 in WW2 and Korea).
Additional info. re Vietnam US Casualties (killed, wounded and missing) 2.5K in 65 (relatively low in that year but rose alarmingly after that) 33K by end of 66 (cumulative total) 80K by end of K by end of 68 (at the peak of US involvement) Total (from Aug 64 to Jan 73): 47K battlefield deaths, plus 11K war- related deaths and 270K wounded. 51% of these 58K deaths were caused by small-arms fire. (Korea comparison re US forces: 34K battlefield deaths, plus 21K other deaths and 103K wounded in 3 years from ).
Additional info. re Vietnam Other casualties By early 68, 220K enemy soldiers killed, compared to 13.5K US deaths (16 times the amount) : 415K civilians were killed. However, North Vietnam had growing population (19M in 65). 200K young men came of fighting age in each year during the war. NVA had a reserve army of 500K. NV also helped by substantial military aid from USSR and China (c. $2 billion from 65 to 68).
Other issues re. US troops After 1967 – most US troops were not full combat troops but young men drafted into the armed forces 43 per cent of US troops died in first 3 months of their tour 1970 – 71 over 700 cases of ‘fragging’ Drug usage – 1971 – 5,000 men treated in hospital for combat wounds and 20,000 for drug abuse Desertion – 1966 – ,000 cases of desertion