I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies in a fight. But my friends…they're the ones who keep me walking the floor at nights!
He campaigned for the presidency by meeting visiting groups on his front porch in Marion, Ohio. He was the first candidate to hire a speechwriter. His dog Laddie Boy delivered his newspaper each day. The dog had a birthday party and a cake made of dog biscuits. He also had his own chair for cabinet meetings. Harding hosted weekly poker games at the White House while he was president. Despite the Prohibition amendment, there was always plenty of liquor at the games.
There should be “less government in business and more business in government.” Raised the tariff to protect American manufacturers from foreign competition
The U.S. does NOT join the League of Nations, and tries to return to a policy of non-involvement with the world’s affairs
THE OHIO GANG A group of Harding’s friends and supporters who used their political connections to get rich illegally
One of Harding’s cabinet members used his power to get land in Wyoming where oil had been discovered. He got the land illegally! BIG SCANDAL!
If you don't say anything, you won't be called on to repeat it.
Called "Silent Cal," Coolidge was once challenged by a reporter, saying, "I bet someone that I could get more than two words out of you." Coolidge responded, "You lose." He was the first president to have his speeches heard on the radio and the first president to make a radio broadcast. The first presidential political speech on the radio originated from New York City and was broadcast on 5 radio stations. An audience estimated to be about 5 million people listened in to hear Coolidge speak. Coolidge loved having his head rubbed with Vaseline while he ate breakfast in bed. When Coolidge died, columnist Dorothy Parker asked, "How can they tell?"
The government should not be responsible for peoples’ social & economic problems Vetoed legislation that would have supported farm prices
Kellogg-Briand Pact made war illegal 15 nations agreed never to make war unless in self-defense