Operation Muskan Experiences & Way forward Presentation by . Shri. Brijesh Singh, IPS Spl. Inspector General of Police, CID, Maharashtra State, Pune.
OPERATION MUSKAN OPERATION MUSKAN As per the instructions given by MHA regarding “OPERATION MUSKAN” Maharashtra has implemented dedicated campaign from 1st July 2015 to 31stJuly 2015 for rescue and rehabilitation of missing children. Screening of Shelter Homes, Platforms, Bus Stands, Roads, Religious Places etc. Documentation of missing children. Photographs and video recording of those missing children Particulars of identified children were uploaded on the missing child Portal. (75% Police stations uploading information of missing children) Help of Print and Electronic Media for reunion with the parents.
SUCCESS OF OPERATION Till date total 4296 children were successfully recovered in Maharashtra state 785 Children were traced as per the missing children record 3511 Children were traced which were not on record (missing was not registered in police station) Muskan has been brought to 3891 families. 405 Children were handed over to Child welfare committee 39 Children traced which are out of state
Gender wise rescued children Sr. No. Total No. Of Traced Children on record During Operation Muskan Total No. Of Non Registered Missing Children Traced During Operation Muskan 1. Boys 280 2564 2. Girls 505 947 Total 785 3511 64 % girls & 36 % boys are traced during operation muskan ( Registered ) 27 % girls & 73 % boys are traced during operation muskan ( Non registered )
Best Performance in Operation Muskan Sr.No. Unit Name Traced children Boys Girls Total 1 Mumbai City 70 84 154 2 Nagpur City 34 109 143 3 Nashik ® 14 54 68 4 Navi Mumbai 18 28 46 5 Thane City 19 26 45 Sr.No. Unit Name Traced children ( Not registered ) Boys Girls Total 1 Mumbai Rly. 861 291 1152 2 Nagpur City 239 143 382 3 Buldhana 158 80 238 4 Thane rural 127 101 228 5 Solapur city 216 12 Traced children mainly traced out in urban areas
Major Gang Busted A gang of criminals who has been working in child trafficking has been busted by Navi Mumbai Police. Offence registered at Nerul PS, Navi Mumbai U/S 363 328, 323, 504, 506, 34, 343of IPC & 4, 5, 6, 7 of ITPA. The raid was conducted in Agra, Uttar Pradesh with the help of local police. 21 girls were rescued and 4 accused were arrested. Among rescued, 5 minor girls are from Maharashtra Other girls were admitted to Nari Niketan, Agra, Uttar Pradesh as per court order.
Interstate co-ordination 39 children from other states were rescued and handed over to their parents, with the help of local police. Full cooperation was given to Orissa team in their operations in Maharashtra. 12 children were traced by them. An all India and interstate coordination among police, NGOs, shelter homes, CWCs and other concerned agencies is required. The agencies all over India already working in this area should work more intensively and with all sensitively in order to unite children with the family.
Post Rescue The legal formalities have been completed with the help of NGOs, CWC and 3891 children have been handed over to the parents. Counseling of children as well as their parents have been done by counselors, to prevent them from leaving their families in future. Help of NGOs in rehabilitation of children We have tried our best to reunite children with their families.
Analysis of the Operation Muskan Most of the children have been located and recovered from shelter homes, railway stations, religious places, bus stands, roads where children were put to begging, to collect garbage etc. this clearly reflect that children in large numbers are languishing in shelter homes / with the NGOs, because of lack of verification and proper efforts to locate the parents to reunite them with their families. Criminals are operating who are involved in child trafficking, abuse and putting them in begging, rag packing. Strong legal action should be taken against these gangs. Single child helpline through out the state is urgently required. (Child line 1098 by NGO ) updating the missing children information on web portal.
Analysis of the Operation Muskan An integrated process of co-ordination and data sharing must in place. Devoted teams of highly motivated police men exclusively for this purpose is needed. The selection of such people is key to success of this drive. Identification of potential places where missing children are likely to be languishing, Proper documentation, emotional briefing and proper monitoring is required to achieve the desired result.
The most beautiful thing in the world is to see children smiling. Operation Muskan The most beautiful thing in the world is to see children smiling. The next best thing is to know that you are the reason behind that smile. Thank you