Government employs the largest number of people in the United States (federal, state, and local governments together)
Four key factors for growth of government 1.Population growth 2.Changing public attitudes 3.Rising standard of living 4.National emergencies
1.POPULATION GROWTH –If population grows you need more government employees because we need … More schools More police Larger defense (military) Better roads
2. CHANGING PUBLIC ATTITUDES Because of Great Depression people rejected laissez-faire economic policy (no government interference) and wanted more government intervention Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” programs designed to ease the hardships of the Great Depression
3. Rising Standard of Living as people earn and spend more and improve their standard of living, they expect goods and services to improve US Government has grown in areas such as health care, education, and consumer protection
4. National Emergencies A war can increase the government in size –Example: World War II Congress passed the GI Bill of Rights: provided funds for veterans to return to college – this program continued after the war ended
New government programs leads to increased government spending Federal Government mostly spends on insurance benefits & interest on debts State & Local Governments mostly spend of education, public welfare, and road construction and maintenance