Staff Module and Summary of Changes 1
Icon Changes: Page 3 Signing In and Password/Pin Changes: Page 4 Logging Out: Page 8 Staff Module Changes: Page 9 Navigation Menu Changes Searching for a Staff: Page 11 Simple vs. Advanced Search Table vs. Panel View Sorting Results View Profile Locking/Unlocking a Staff Account: Page 20 Enabling a Staff Account: Page 25 Creating a Staff Member: Page 27 Entering User ID Adding Permissions Adding Credentials Editing Staff Relationships Revoking an Account: Page 40 2
Icon Changes Add: Allows the user to add data to the panel or section. Edit: Allows the user to edit information on a panel or section. Remove: Allows the user to delete information in the panel or section. Lock: Allows the user to lock an item. History: Allows the user to view the changes made on the current page. Panel View: Presents data in a panel by panel view. Table View: Presents data in a table format. Export: Allows the user to export results. Column Selector: Allows the user to select the columns that they would like to view. Collapsible Menu: The left hand navigation menu is collapsible in WITS. When it is collapsed you will only see the icon to the left. When it is un-collapsed you will see the entire left hand navigation panel. Pages: Allows the user to page through all search results. Likert Scale: Presents information visually and allows for quick interpretation of the data. 3
Signing In The new Sign-in screen will feature all three fields on one page. 4
Signing In Password/Pin Changes: Forgot Pin and Password When “Forgot Password?” is selected, the following will occur. WITS will prompt for a username. WITS will require an answer to your security question. WITS will send an e- mail with a link to a reset page. 5
Signing In Password/Pin Changes: Forgot Pin and Password A link will now be distributed to reset your credentials in WITS. The link will take you to a new ‘Reset Credentials’ screen. Enter the required fields and you will be able to access WITS. As always, your pin and password must include six characters including one numeric value. 6
Signing In Password/Pin Changes: Changing Credentials To change your pin and password once logged in, hover over your user name and ‘Change Credentials’ will appear. WITS will prompt with a pop-up box to change from the old password and pin to the new credentials. 7
Logging Out To log out, select the ‘logout’ button in the top right- hand corner. WITS will prompt you to confirm the action and you will be logged out of the system. 8
Staff Module Changes Navigation to Staff Module Agency>Agency List>Staff Members ‘Staff List’ has now changed to ‘Staff Members’. 9
Staff Module Changes Collapsible Menu Collapsible menu- allows more horizontal space on screen real estate. Menu will collapse and expand upon selection of the ‘Menu’ button. 10
Staff Module Changes Simple Search Simple Search- searches through the columns that are currently displayed on screen for the values that were entered. It is a “contains” type of search. Customize this by adding selected columns to show on screen New UI searches as you type Matching search results highlighted. 11
Staff Module Changes Advanced Search Advanced search- enables you to choose search criteria and save those searches to your computer. Allows the user to search columns that they choose. Save your advanced searches. Matching search results highlighted. 12
Staff Module Changes Advanced Search Select “Is Locked”: represents the state a user is put in intentionally by an administrator or as a result of getting locked out due to invalid password attempts. The “Lock” also functions as a revocation of access for a staff member. Select “Has IP Session”: is equivalent to the Release Lock. 13
Staff Module Changes Viewing the Page: Table vs. Panel View of data Table View: Shows the data as a list of rows and columns. Panel view: Shows the data as a list of panels. 14
Staff Module Changes Viewing the Page: Sorting Staff List Select Columns Column Headers Sorts staff members by the selected columns when clicked. The user can customize which columns are displayed. These preferences are saved to your computer only. 15
Staff Module Changes Staff Member: View Profile Screen To view Staff Profile: Hover over the pencil and select ‘View Profile’. 16
Staff Module Changes Staff Member: View Profile Screen To Edit a profile: Select ‘Edit’ at the top of the page. 17
Staff Module Changes Staff Member: View Profile Screen Pencil Icons will appear next to all editable items within the staff profile. When all updates have been completed, select ‘Done Editing’. 18
Staff Module Changes Staff Member: View Profile Screen To remove an additional item that has been added to the staff profile, hover over the remove icon and select ‘remove’. 19
Staff Module Changes Locking/Unlocking a Staff Profile Hover over the pencil icon. Select ‘Lock’. WITS will prompt for a reason for the lock. 20
Staff Module Changes Locking/Unlocking a Staff Account When an account is locked, ‘Release Lock’ will be an option when hovering over the pencil icon. When ‘Release Lock’ is selected, WITS will create a prompt box with the lock reason and the staff who locked it. Select ‘Release Lock’. 21
Staff Module Changes Locking/Unlocking a Staff Account To search for accounts that have a lock enabled, select ‘Advanced Search’, and ‘Add Search Criteria’. 22
Staff Module Changes Locking/Unlocking a Staff Account Select, ‘Is Locked’ and ‘true’ from the advanced search dropdown menu. Select ‘Search’. 23
Staff Module Changes Locking/Unlocking a Staff Account WITS will return search results with profiles that are in a locked status. Hover over the pencil and select ‘Release Lock’ to release. 24
Staff Module Changes Enabling a Staff Account To Enable a Staff Account, review the staff profile and select “Edit”. 25
Staff Module Changes Enabling a Staff Account Select “User Account” from the left-hand pane. Select “Enable”. WITS will notify you of success once “enable” is selected and a confirmation will be sent to the staff member. 26
Staff Module Changes Creating a Staff Member 27
Staff Module Changes Creating a Staff Member’s Profile Use the Completion Requirements, to complete the Staff Member’s profile with the required information including: Address Staff Member Type Employment Start Date 28
Staff Module Changes Creating a Staff Member’s Profile Use the Completion Requirements, to complete the Staff Member’s profile with the required information including: Address Staff Member Type Employment Start Date 29
Staff Module Changes Creating a Staff Member’s Profile Use the Completion Requirements, to complete the Staff Member’s profile with the required information including: Address Staff Member Type Employment Start Date 30
Staff Module Changes Creating a Staff Member’s Profile Use the Completion Requirements, to complete the Staff Member’s profile with the required information including: Address Staff Member Type Employment Start Date 31
Staff Module Changes Creating a Staff Member’s Profile For each “Additional Item” selected, WITS will populate the staff specific profile list on the left hand side with the item. 32
Staff Module Changes Creating Profile – Entering User ID To enter a user ID: Select “Manage Accounts and Roles” from the Additional Items Menu Enter the Staff User ID Select “Create Account” Once “Create Account” is selected, the User ID will populate and “Manage Roles” will appear under Agency Roles. Select “Manage Roles”. 33
Staff Module Changes Creating Profile – Editing Permissions To Manage Permissions: Select “Edit Roles” on the Staff Profile. Selections on the left have not been added to the profile. Select “View Included Roles” under the Task Group to see the specific permissions being granted. Select “Hide Roles” to minimize text. Select the green plus button to add roles to the staff account. Select the red minus button to remove roles from the staff account. Select “I am done” in the top right hand corner when all role attributes have been added. 34
Staff Module Changes Creating Profile – Editing Permissions All active permissions for this staff account will appear under the “User Account” tab. Agency Roles reflect all selected permissions “Manage Roles” with the plus arrow will take you to the screen to add additional permissions 35
Staff Module Changes Adding User Credentials To add user credentials: Select “Add Professional Qualification” from the Additional Items Menu on the Right Select “Add” once the Professional Qualifications item has been moved to the center pane. 36
Staff Module Changes Adding User Credentials To add user credentials: Select “Certification” from the category drop-down. Select the type of certification. To display the credentials in the user display name, please select the box to “Include in Display Name”. 37
Staff Module Changes Creating Profile – Editing Relationships To add or edit a staff Relationship: Select “Add Relationship” from the Additional Items Menu or select the pencil next to the relationship status on the Employment Profile. 38
Staff Module Changes Creating Profile – Editing Relationships Select the relationship to the Staff Member. Select the related Staff to be linked. Select Save. 39
Staff Module Changes Revoking an Account View Staff Profile and select “Edit”. Add an End Date and check “Has end date” in the “Employment Profile” tab and save. Once an end date has been added, the staff will no longer appear on drop down menus 30 days after the specified date. Under “User Account”, lock the account. Specify the reason for the lock. 40