2003 Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data for Boulder Valley School District
Sound methodology Random sample of classes 1050 BVSD students participated 77% response rate Results are generalizable to population
Rarely or never wear seat belts Colorado 12.6% U.S. 14.1%
Smoked a whole cigarette before age 13 Colorado 25.8% U.S. 22.1%
Current frequent cigarette use BVSD 7.4% Colorado12.5% U.S.13.8%
Smoked cigarettes on school property BVSD 9.8% Colorado12.0% U.S. 9.9%
Binge Drinking BVSD29.7% Colorado34.3% U.S.29.9%
Drank alcohol on school property BVSD7.9% Colorado7.3% U.S.4.9%
Rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol BVSD22.7% Colorado30.0% U.S.30.7%
Drove after drinking alcohol BVSD11.2% Colorado13.2% U.S.13.3%
Marijuana use
Used marijuana on school property BVSD8.2% Colorado8.2% U.S.5.4%
Harassed BVSD32.5%
Received unwanted sexual comments or attention BVSD18.4%
Ever been forced to have sexual intercourse BVSD5.2%
Felt sad or hopeless BVSD23.3% Colorado25.7% U.S.28.3%
Seriously considered attempting suicide BVSD18.2% Colorado19.3% U.S.19.0%
Ever had sexual intercourse BVSD30.3% Colorado42.3% U.S.45.6%
Four or more sex partners during lifetime BVSD 8.3% Colorado12.7% U.S.14.2%
Weight At risk for becoming overweightOverweight Thought they were overweight TotalFemaleMaleTotalFemaleMaleTotalFemaleMale BVSD8.5%6.4%10.6%5.5%3.0%8.0%23.0%30.2%16.0% Colorado8.6%7.6%9.5%7.1%2.5%11.1%26.9%34.4%20.2% U.S.13.6%11.7%15.5%10.5%6.9%14.2%29.2%34.9%23.3%
Health Disparity Challenges
Analysis by Race/Ethnicity: County-wide data 76.1% White 15.6% Hispanic or Latino 8.3% Other race/ethnicity
Harassed because of race or ethnic origin
Received unwanted sexual comments or attention
Felt sad or hopeless
Binge drinking
Current tobacco use
Rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol
Analysis by Sexual Orientation: County-wide data 92.5% Heterosexual (straight) 5.6% Gay or Lesbian, Bisexual, & Not Sure 1.9% None of the Above (not included in this analysis)
Felt too unsafe to go to school
Felt sad or hopeless
Current tobacco use
Binge drinking
Rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol