Sharing Statistics with 4-H PDC Members Diane Mack, 4-H Youth Development Specialist, NE Area Ginger Kopfer, 4-H Youth Development Agent, Geary County
Deciding What to Share Send PDC members a copy ahead of time so they will have time to study the statistics or demographics Send them questions to answer to help guide their review of the data Don’t overwhelm them
Data Review Questions What did you see that surprised you? What was one significant piece of information? Is there a trend or a need that you would like to learn more about? As you think about possible collaborations, what groups in our county/district might have a similar interest in youth issues related to these reports? What resource people in our community will be able to provide us additional information?
Using Statistics with Your PDC Population may be the single most important indicator of a county’s overall situation. The size of the local population, its age distribution, and changes over time greatly affect economic and social conditions in a county. Situations and Trends Report, KSR&E Office of Local Government
4-H Statistics Data to review: Membership numbers Retention rates (local data) Number of volunteers
Situation & Trends from the Office of Local Government
Kansas Data and Planning Guides, organized around caring community outcomes, is available for all 105 Kansas counties. This information, designed to assist communities in addressing issues that matter to them, is updated annually.
CTC Survey Data Outcome: Families and Individuals Will Live in a Safe and Supportive Community Definition: 4-H clubs: The percentage of 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders who answered yes to 4-H when asked “Which of the following activities for people your age are available in your community?” The percentage of children completing the survey in each county varies. Data from the Kansas Communities That Care Youth Survey, funded by Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.
U.S. Census Bureau Data
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Coordinated School Health (CSH) is an eight-component approach to help youth establish healthful behaviors and attitudes.
2007 Kansas High School Survey Youth Risk Behavior Results
TotalMaleFemale 9th10th11th12thBlack*Hispanic/ Latino White* Kansas High School Survey Percentage of students who rode one or more times during the past 30 days in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been drinking alcohol QN10 - Weighted Data *Non-Hispanic.
TotalMaleFemale 9th10th11th12thBlack*Hispanic/ Latino White* Kansas High School Survey Percentage of students who had at least one drink of alcohol on one or more days during their life QN39 - Weighted Data *Non-Hispanic.
TotalMaleFemale 9th10th11th12thBlack*Hispanic/ Latino White* Kansas High School Survey Percentage of students who ever had sexual intercourse QN58 - Weighted Data *Non-Hispanic.
TotalMaleFemale 9th10th11th12thBlack*Hispanic/ Latino White* Kansas High School Survey Percentage of students who ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs QN28 - Weighted Data *Non-Hispanic.
TotalMaleFemale 9th10th11th12thBlack*Hispanic/ Latino White* Kansas High School Survey Percentage of students who ate green salad one or more times during the past seven days QN74 - Weighted Data *Non-Hispanic.