All materials exist as a Solid, Liquid or Gas All materials are made up of very very small particles held together by forces!
Solids In a Solid, the particles are held very close together so they can hardly move. They can just VIBRATE in one spot.
Liquids In a liquid, the particles are not so tightly packed, so they can move a little.
Gases In a gas, the particles are spread apart and can move easily
States of Matter StateShapeVolume SolidDefinite LiquidIndefiniteDefinite GasIndefinite
Particle Theory 1. All matter is made up of very small particles 2. All particles in a pure substance are the same. Different substances are made of different particles 3. The particles are always moving. As the particles gain energy (heat), they move faster 4. The particles in a substance are attracted to one another.
Elements Our planet is made up of over 100 different kinds of elements. These elements are organized in a Periodic Table. Elements can join together to make MOLECULES, or they can exist as separate particles called ATOMS. Each element has a special symbol on the Periodic Table. Periodic Table - Handout
Instructions: Periodic Table Periodic Table Draw the "staircase" line that separates the metals from the non-metals so that it is easy to see. Use the key to shade in the gases, the liquids and the solids. Element Word-search – Use your Periodic Table to write the SYMBOL for the element beside the word that you are trying to find.
Matter: Anything that takes up space!!! Matter Flowchart Pure Substances Mixtures
Classification on Matter MATTER Can it be separated? Homogeneous Mixture (solution) Heterogeneous/ Mechanical Mixture CompoundElement MIXTUREPURE SUBSTANCE yes no Are the particles made of more than one kind of element? noyes Does it look the same all the way through? yes no
Pure Substances – Two Types 1. Elements composed of identical atoms EX: copper wire, aluminum foil, oxygen gas
2. Compounds composed of 2 or more different kinds of elements EX: table salt, made from sodium and chlorine (NaCl)
Mixtures – Two Types A combination of 2 or more pure substances that have been mixed together
1. Homogenous Solutions You can only see one "phase" This means it looks the same throughout the whole solution –EX: Coke
2. Heterogenous Mechanical Mixture Does not look the same throughout Could have more than one layer
Homework P. 178 Q: 2-6, 8-10