A table of contents 1. Winter festival 2. Spring festival 3. Summer festival 4. Fall festival
1. Winter festival From January to March A new year starts on January the 1 st. Japanese people go to shrines and pray for their happiness.
1. To keep out of harm’s way 2. To be blessed with good events in life 3. To have a good harvest Festivals are held…
修正鬼会 Shujo onie festival Oni wears a mask and slaps the participants on the backside and shoulder. Oni walks around the neighborhood with taimatsu.
柳津の裸祭り Hadaka festival Three hundreds men ask for o, a rope. They all are semi-naked.
雪まつり Sapporo Ice Sculpture festival It is the biggest ice sculpture festival in Japan.
2. Spring festivals Many flowers and the colours make everyone happy!
ひなまつり Hina festival
博多どんたく Hakata dontaku We use shamoji - a percussion instrument.
3. Summer festivals Summer festivals are very popular with Japanese people. Many children enjoy festivals with their friends and family.
御田植神事 Otaueshinji People pray for a rich harvest of rice. Some women called yaotome dance to rhythmic music.
ねぶた Nebuta festival A biiiiiiig nebuta doll, 5 metres high and 9 metres wide!
大文字焼き Daimonji yaki A large character fire is lit on the sides of mountains.
4. Fall festivals We celebrate harvests. Many people join mochi-nage and get many mochi!
もちなげ Mochi nage
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