Welcome Back! Find an Open Seat (Seating Chart Later in the Week) Mr. Botsios (Bot-See-os) US History
Todays Plan Due Dates: Signed Syllabus Due Wednesday Syllabus/Interactive Notebook Quiz Wednesday (bring completed notecard) Decorated Interactive Notebook with Authors Page Due Friday Objective: Know your due dates, learn the class rules, get to know your teacher. Attendance (schedule fixes in counseling office) Remind 101/Syllabus Sign Off Sheets Major Questions and Answers Mr. Botsios Bio/Pictures Wrap Up
What are the Rules? No Electronic Devices Respect Others No Food, No Drinks, (only water) Live the rules in class, I will make sure we follow them each and every day.
What About the Bathroom? Bathroom breaks are at the teachers preference Only one student at a time Please try and use the bathroom between class periods Please do not ask for approval to use the bathroom during passing periods Your backpack is not a “bookmark” Remember to take my pass and sign out I will cut off bathroom breaks if “the bathroom train begins” Please do not abuse the Bathroom Policy – Asking to leave the class to use the bathroom frequently – “Going to the bathroom” but roaming the halls of the school instead – Abuse of the Bathroom Policy will result in parent communication home
What do I Need? Pen or Pencil One Subject Notebook (Decorated by Friday) 4 highlighters/color pencils must be different colors Bring Your Notebook to class every day
What will you be doing this year in US History Class? “To better understand ourselves one must understand the past” Preparing you for the next level of education – Whatever I can do to help you become a successful independent adult that can figure stuff out = $$$$ US History is a survey course – You will learn a lot of information The first inhabitants of North America to Current Events Taking notes, watching clips, creating arguments, defending arguments, sketching pictures, analyzing documents, and participating in discussions.
How am I graded? You will be given a Rubric to tape/glue in your notebook Informal Notebook Checks Formal Notebook Checks – During Unit Exams Quizzes Unit Exams Projects In Class DBQ Writing Assignments Participation in Class Activities
Who is Mr. Botsios? I have a lot of pictures!