National systeme of education in France
National systeme of education in France There is 2 systemes in France : National education : traditional systeme from the age of 6 years up to the university, for all people Agriculture education systeme : from the age of 14 years to higher education
Agriculture education systeme He is recovering from the Minister of Agriculture and Peach He assures a general training and a technological and professional training in the jobs of agriculture, forest, aquaculture, transformation and marketing of farm produce But also, in the domains of services and development of the agrarian, country and forested space, management of water and environment There are several ways of training: initial (scholastic and by study) and uninterrupted (training of the adults)
847 secondary schools 219 public establishments teachers students 628 private schools learners hours for adults 22 establishments of higher education for students Agriculture schools DGER
THE MISSIONS OF AGRICULTURE EDUCATION SYSTEM The 5 missions : Assure an initial and uninterrupted general, technological and professional training To participate in the animation and the development of territories To contribute to the scholastic, social and professional insertion of the young persons and to the social insertion it professional needed adults Contribute to the activities of development, experimentation and applied research Participate under the portico of international collaboration, notably by favouring exchanges and reception of pupils, learners, students, trainees and teachers
The mission of insertion Favour the scholastic insertion of the young persons to avoid scholastic switch-over, encourage it in place of the implements of individualized help, for the pupils having difficulties Social insertion and conflict against discriminations (reception of the handicapped pupils, cells of listening, groups 'adults- intermediaries ', actions of sensitization on the sexism …) The professional insertion of the boys and the girls (offices job, tools making easier the monitoring of the young persons or the adults in the research of practice or job, conflict against the stereotypes of courses of study and jobs, evidence of men and women in the course of forums insertion
THE INSERTION NETWORK In France, about 15 % of the pupils have to repeat a class at the age of 16. Many others leave along the way. Between 16 and 18, pupils are drop outs and leave school without any diploma. The french Ministry of Agriculture set up a network for prevent the drop out and help the learners who have some difficulties One of its assignments is to train and support teachers and educational teams at the vocation schools
THE INSERTION NETWORK The network try to develop new pedagogical, educational and didactical approaches towards disadvantaged students/trainees (students with difficulties to learn, students with addictions, students with psychological disorders, students suffering of discrimination….. The network develop projects about this topic (risk of social and professional exclusion) for students and trainees.