3DM: Protein Super-family Platforms 3DM Protein super-family data integration Tom van den Bergh Bio-Prodict
3DM: Protein Super-family Platforms Superimposing family structures 69 P450 structures These structures are sequentially all different: <80%
3DM: Protein Super-family Platforms Structure based alignments Structural conserved residues get the same 3D- number because these residues have a similar role in the proteins
3DM: Protein Super-family Platforms 3D number: the alignment structure link
3DM: Protein Super-family Platforms
Amino acid data Mutation data literature, Swiss-Prot, OMIM, … > mutations searchable for effects!!!! Structure data PPI, ligand contacts, bridges, solvent accessibility, flexibility/RMSD, … Alignment data Conservation, correlated mutations, family specific residues, … SNP data SNP databases, genome sequencing projects Data integration All data are stored connected to the 3D numbering scheme and thus to the alignment, to the structures and each other
3DM: Protein Super-family Platforms