KCAD Career Symposium Fellowships & Grants Kristen Morrison Kendall College of Art and Design
The difference between a Scholarship, Fellowship, and a Grant. Scholarships apply to undergraduate study at a college Fellowships fund research or study at an institution or college, usually while doing graduate or PhD work Grants may fund any aspect of study, research, or supplies
Research Before You Apply Funding agencies usually post many examples of past winners. Note what they have funded and how the winners communicated their goals and desired outcomes.
Grant Application Process In an application, address the following questions: 1. What have you been doing that relates to the grant? 2. Why do you need the grant? 3. How will it be used? 4. How will you disseminate what you have learned?
Format for Most Applications Contact information Awards, Honors, Scholarships Personal/Professional Goals Additional Activities Essays Letters of Recommendation
Essays Follow the essay length and format requirement exactly. Set a structure for your essay, either chronological or by subject, and follow it throughout your application. Answer the questions exactly. Do not recycle a response from another application that is close but not quite the same. Reference trends in your field but avoid jargon, acronyms and buzz words. Check your grammar.
The Interview The review committee is looking for: Depth of knowledge of your field Dedication to the topic of study Adaptability Resourcefulness Ability to exercise sound judgment Involvement
Timeline Common calendar for fellowships & grant applications Post in August/September Due October Respond in March Post in January Due February Respond in March Post in May Due October Respond in March
Acceptance/Rejection Most organizations will call you on the notification date if you have been awarded the fellowship/grant. They will also send a formal letter. Smaller grants will notify you by instead of a phone call. You must formally accept the fellowship/grant. Follow their requirements for notifying the organization. You will receive a letter or on or close to the notification date if you were not accepted for the fellowship/grant. Reviewers do not give individual critiques of applications.