The Influence Of Christians Matthew 5:13-16
The World ’ s Reaction To Disciples There is no passage any clearer than John 15:18 on this John says not to be surprised about this (1 Jn. 3:13). The reason is explained in 1 Jn. 3:12c It is important to notice that those who are the hope of the world are not viewed that way at all (1 Cor. 4:13) One needs to accept the reality that being salt and light is necessary, commanded even, but there is not one word that it is going to be easy!
The Sociological Setting It was on a hillside in Galilee (Matt. 4:23) His audience was composed of the common people of the area Others had momentarily stirred up people to no avail (Acts 5:35-37) However, history shows something quite different – The Roman Empire collapsed, Plato ’ s academy closed its doors, the schools of the Stoics and Epicureans are a faded curiosity, the great library at Alexandria burned to the ground – Yet, disciples of Christ still exist today.
The Similitudes This was something everyone was familiar with – Every home had salt in it (combination of preservative/flavoring) – Every home had a lamp in it (to dispel darkness) Let us think of both together in the context ( “ of the world ” ) – The world, due to sin, is rotting in the dark! – Christians are to be an influence in alleviating that condition. This is accomplished through the gospel of Christ (Rom. 1:16)
Possible To Lose Our Influence How can this happen? – Salt can actually not cease being salty – However, the admixture of other elements can cause it to become almost useless. There was plenty of salt at the Dead Sea But the introduction of sulfur, bitumen and other raw materials so diluted and polluted the salt that it was only good for some traction underfoot – If there is an admixture of worldly elements to our “ salt, ” then it will become diluted and polluted and will only be good to be thrown out If we overcome those things (1 Jn. 2:15-17), it will show, and God, not ourselves will be glorified and we can be useful influences as salt and light in the world