1 2012/2013 Colbree Precision Ltd
2 AIM Corporation Advanced Integrated Manufacturing Corp. Ltd. AIM Corp is a holding company of an integrated group of companies which has been providing innovative electronic manufacturing solutions to our worldwide customer base since It’s subsidiaries offer a one-stop, value added EMS solution to our customers production needs. We offer a collaborative partnership to participate in your ESI plans (Early Supplier Involvement) to assist in your upstream activities relating to product development through Value Engineering and DFM (Design for Manufacturing). Our electronics manufacturing services will take you from concept to production at a higher quality and lower cost. AIM Corp is a holding company of an integrated group of companies which has been providing innovative electronic manufacturing solutions to our worldwide customer base since It’s subsidiaries offer a one-stop, value added EMS solution to our customers production needs. We offer a collaborative partnership to participate in your ESI plans (Early Supplier Involvement) to assist in your upstream activities relating to product development through Value Engineering and DFM (Design for Manufacturing). Our electronics manufacturing services will take you from concept to production at a higher quality and lower cost.
3 Group Services Box Build Daily Pull Access to AMC’s system Near Future (6 mths - 2 Yrs) Offerings ManufacturingServices Efficiencies Significant (10-20%) Price Reduction for New CCAs / Mechs Competitively Priced CCA Mech-Mech & Mech-CCA Sub- Assembly Work Mech & Subassy Kitting Parts & Mech Purchasing Mech Processes Coordination CCA + Mech Ship Set Daily Pull Supermarket Store Eliminate PO, Materials Handling & Finance Processes(Cost) Space Savings of 30% Eliminate Huge Inventory Holding (1 Mth to 1 Week) Cost saving on Freight (30-50%) - localization, Including package ship back Vertical Integration Machining / Metal Works & Certified Spec Proc Localize Existing ASL with Cost Benefits
4 AIM Revenue : $ 61.5M forecast for 2012 $ 59.7M for 2011 $ 60.3M for 2010
5 Introduction To Colbree Colbree Precision Ltd is an engineering subcontract company which supplies CNC Turning. CNC Milling, CNC Fabrication, Water Jet Cutting, 3D Routing, Mechanical Assembly services and product management from concept to market launch. Our vast range of equipment allows us to offer our customers a complete service, from prototyping and development of new products, small batch and preproduction runs, right through to high volume production batches.
6 Industries Supplied By Colbree
7 Sales Analysis
8 Company Information Formed in 1985, Colbree has continually invested and expanded with relentless dedication to become one of Europe's leading component manufacturers. Our experience in stock management for many industries allows us to provide Kan- Ban, ship to stock and other tailored supply programmes to meet our customers requirements. With 24 hour coverage, plus optional weekend working, Colbree provides the solution to your critical lead times and machining needs. Turnover: £4.7M Employees: 53 Factory 18,000 Sq ft
9 Organization Chart (16 Jan 2013) QC DEP David Field Quality Manager Adam Coles Sales Manager Alec Norton Estimating Engineer Jane Williams Finance Manager Vince Lowde Mechanical Sales Engineer Peter Redford Production Manager Victor Davies Engineering Manager Robert Clark General Manager QA DEP Tony Sullivan Operations Manager
10 Quality Accreditation Our continuous investment strategy to maintain leading edge technology in our production machinery has been matched by an equally aggressive policy towards quality assurance. Colbree is certified to AS 9100 REVISION C & BS EN ISO 9001:2008 in accordance with the requirements of EN 9104:2006. All manufacturing activity is supported by first class QA and QC facilities. Micro Val PFX CNC CMM Bowers air gauges 2 x Trimos Vertical 3 Digital Height Gauge Sylvac Z-Cal-300 Digital height gauge. Mitutoyo PJ300 Profile projector Mitutoyo SURFTEST 402 surface tester 3 x Nikon 50x Microscope with Schott fiber optics. Diatest precision bore gauging both in inspection & on the shop floor, Readouts to.0001 mm
11 CNC Turning Colbree has invested in a diverse range of CNC machine tools including: Nakamura, Goodway and Miyano fixed head "Turn Mill Centres",. Citizen, Tsugami and Star "Swiss style sliding head" machine tools. Full range of ferrous, nonferrous and pure metals including Brass, Aluminium, Steel, and Copper. All grades of Stainless Steel including medical implant, laser weld able graders, Aerospace and Sub Sea. Exotic materials including Nickel Alloys, Titanium, MP35N, Arcap, Copper Alloys, Tungsten, Silver and Gold. Standard capability of +/- 20 microns repeatability. Fine limit work to +/- 5 microns repeatability. Micro tubes and sleeves with bore free diameters down to 0.2mm.
12 CNC Milling Colbree Engineering Group has built a solid reputation for supplying high quality machined components in a wide variety of materials. Colbree has invested in a diverse range of CNC machine tools including four axis Bridgeport and Haas "vertical machining centers". Kitamura twin pallet "horizontal machining center" and a Hyundai high speed "vertical machining center" Full range of ferrous, nonferrous and pure metals including Brass, Aluminium, Steel, and Copper. All grades of Stainless Steel including medical implant, laser weld able graders, Aerospace and Sub Sea. Exotic materials including Nickel Alloys, Titanium, MP35N, Arcap, Copper Alloys, Tungsten, Silver and Gold. Standard capability of +/- 20 microns repeatability. Fine limit work to +/- 5 microns repeatability.
13 CNC Sheet Metal The original jewel in the crown. Colbree has built an enviable reputation for supplying high quality fabricated parts. Equipped with the latest Trumph combined capability machines to enable punching, tapping and folding all to be done on the same machine tool and five axis folders for forming the most complex of designs. Full range of ferrous, nonferrous and pure metals including Brass, Aluminium, Steel, Copper, Silver and Gold. Standard capability of +/- 0.2mm Highly complex parts. Full Cad/Cam facilities. 80 tonnes press capability.
14 Welding & Fabrication Mig, Tig, Arc, Braising and Spot welding processes are all performed in house by our skilled team. Our welders have been externally approved to M.O.D and Aerospace accreditation.. Coded Welding of Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Steel and Titanium. Highly complex parts.
15 Mechanical Assembly As companies evolve and concentrate on their core business, Colbree has expanded it’s assembly department to offer low level Sub Assembly, Modular Chassis and Power Cabinet Builds. Coded Welding of Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Steel and Titanium. Highly complex parts.
16 Thank You