School System Leadership Team Conference Karen Huffman and Lisa Youell Superintendent’s Center for 21 st Century Schools
Conference Goals To develop knowledgeable, capable and visionary system leadership To build improvement capacity within the county systems To build a foundation of understanding and a common language To provide opportunities for systems to exchange ideas To provide opportunities for systems to reflect, self-assess and plan for system improvement
Large Group Sessions (National, State and Local Experts) In-Depth Clinic Sessions (Practitioners) Leadership Team Meetings Conference Format
Where Have We Been? Conference Curriculum
Larry Lazotte Effective Schools Douglas Reeves Essential Transformations for Successful Schools September 2003
George McKenna Accepting the Mission of “Learning for All” School System Improvement Douglas Reeves Accountability for Learning and Accountability in Action March 2004
Jim Sweeney Building a Culture of Core Beliefs and Translating the Beliefs to Mission Framework for High Performing School Systems Willard Daggett Communicating the Urgency for Change July 2004
Phillip Schlechty The 10 Standards for System Change Framework for High Performing School Systems July 2004
Terry B. Grier Assuring Access to a High Quality Curriculum Curriculum Practices of High Performing School Systems Diane Briars Developing a Pre-K System- Wide Standards-Based Mathematics Model October 2004
Gerrita Postlewait Formative Assessment and Benchmarking Curriculum Practices of High Performing School Systems John Antonetti The Foundation of Student Success October 2004
James Sweeney Enhancing Teacher Efficacy: The Foundation of Instructional Improvement Creating Engaging Instruction for ALL Students’ Success Diane Briars Standards-Based Instruction in the Classroom January 2005
John Brown Dimensions of Instructional Engagement: A District Perspective Creating Engaging Instruction for ALL Students’ Success Lynn Canady Modifying Instructional Time to Enhance Student Learning January 2005
Jean Blaydes Madigan Using Brain Growth Research to Enhance Student Learning Student and Parent Support/ Community Connections Larry Bell Finding the Gift in Every Child April 2005
Terrence Deal The Leadership Spirit: Creating a Culture of Success Creating Effective Schools- Communities of Equity and Excellence Thomas Guskey Characteristics of Quality Professional Development June 2005
Transforming and Aligning the System for Student Success November 2005 Roland Barth Improving Schools from Within Thomas Houlihan Developing the 21st Century Learner Through Systems Thinking
John Miller QBQ! The Question Behind the Question and Personal Accountability November 2005 Transforming and Aligning the System for Student Success Ken Kay Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Featured Address to County Leadership Teams
Linda Darling-Hammond Developing the 21 st Century Learner: Implications for Instructional Practice September 2003 April 2006 Content, Learning Skills and Tools Rick Stiggins Creating Classroom Assessments for Learning
Rick Stiggins Leading the Journey to Excellence in Assessment April 2007 Choosing Your Pathway to Bring 21st Century Skills to Every WV Student Susan Leddick Leading with Your Plan: From Planning to Action Working Your Plan: Practical Guidance for Counties and Schools Putting It All Together
Mark Prenksy Overcoming our Digital Immigrant Accents How, Why and What We Need to Do Differently December 2007 Through the Eyes of the Learner Bob Pearlman What Does 21st Century Learning Look Like
December 2007 Through the Eyes of the Learner Ken Kay The Competitive Edge: Equipping Students with 21st Century Skills” Daniel Duke Leading the Change Process
March 2008 Adrian Willis School Success: It Takes a Village Anne Henderson Beyond the Bake Sale Partnering to Promote 21st Century Learning
Where Are We Going? Conference Curriculum
What structures do we have in place to carry the work forward? Conference Curriculum
20 th Century LEGAL EXPERT Perry Mason From Isolation to Collaboration 21 st Century LEGAL TEAM Boston Legal
20 th Century MEDICAL EXPERT Ben Casey From Isolation to Collaboration 21 st Century MEDICAL TEAM Grey’s Anatomy
20 th Century LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERT The Lone Ranger From Isolation to Collaboration 21 st Century LAW ENFORCEMENT TEAM CSI
20 th Century EDUCATIONAL EXPERT Welcome Back Kotter From Isolation to Collaboration 21 st Century EDUCATIONAL EXPERT
Teaming to Promote 21 st Century Learning October 2008 Tom Many Professional Learning Communities Seth Kahan Collective Intelligence
October 14-16, 2008 Clinic Sessions – Handout Online Registration will be up this week
“On Common Ground”
All Things PLC
Conference Expectations for Participants To gain new ideas and insights To share ideas with team members To exchange ideas with other school systems To fully participate in team meetings by engaging in reflection, self-assessment and planning To use best knowledge to strategize and bring about improvements and build capacity
Support from the Superintendent Invitation to share: What structures and processes do you have in place to carry the work of the Leadership Team forward?
Reflection/Discussion What support is being provided for this work in your county? What do you do to ensure “learnings” from the Leadership Conference are woven into the strategic plan? What are your expectations of the Team members upon their return to the county? How do you monitor the Team’s work? What knowledge/skills do you need to assist with this work?
Improving the Instructional Core Article by Richard F. Elmore Discussion led by Dr. Karen Huffman
Seven Principles of Improvement 1.Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teachers’ knowledge and skill, and student engagement. 2.If you change any single element of the instructional core, you have to change the other two. 3.If you can’t see it in the core, it’s not there.
4.Task predicts performance. 5.The real accountability system is in the tasks that students are asked to do. 6.We learn to do the work by doing the work. 7.Description before analysis, analysis before prediction, prediction before evaluation Seven Principles of Improvement
Q and A with Dr. Paine