1 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
WHAT IS BIODEGRADABLE WASTE ? Biodegradable waste is a type of waste which can be broken down, in a reasonable amount of time, into its base compounds by micro-organisms and other organisms.type of waste 2 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
ENVIRONMENTAL THREAT The main environmental threat from biodegradable waste is the production of methane in landfills. Methane is 21 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide. 3 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
DEALING WITH BIODEGRADABLE WASTE 1.composting 2. Anaerobic digestion 3. Incineration 4. Waste collection 4 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
USES OF BIODEGRADABLE WASTE 1Composting 2. Source of heat 3. Source of electricity 4. As fuel 5 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
NON-BIODEGRADABLE WASTE WHAT IS IT ? 6 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
Non-biodegradable waste - Waste that cannot be broken down by other living organisms may be called non-biodegradable. 7 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
Examples : -Medical wastes,-municipal wastes, -toxic wastes, - non toxic waste,-nuclear wastes,-farm wastes, - domestic waste, -chemical wastes,-mining wastes and many more Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
DISPOSAL OF NON-BIODEGRADABLE WASTE They all normal ways of disposing of waste but with chemical waste some work way more efficiently by not releasing the waste into the environment than others For example: putting the waste in a LANDFILL or INCINERATOR could cause runnoff that would pollute our environment and make it difficult for us to live healthy lives. Non-biodegradable bins with waste in them take many years before the waste begins to penetrate the bins and runoff 9 Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi
Thank You ! Presented by P. K. Sah PGT (Biology) K.V.BSF Camp, Chhawla, New Delhi Created By: MR. P.K Sah PGT Bio- KV BSF Chhawla New Delhi