By: Krystal De La Cruz and Kristina Bobe
1)Why did some American Indians join Europeans in wars against other Indians? They joined Europeans in wars against other Indians because the Europeans had other tools,weapons and other goods the Europeans could provide.This alliance was based on trade.. Metacomet: is what the English settlers called King Phillip. This was because he compared himself with King Charles II. Militia: an army made up of civilians serving temporarily as soldiers. Albany plan of union: was written by Benjamin Franklin who was a Pennsylvania delegate, helped write this. The Albany Plan Of Union called for all the colonies except Georgia to reunite. Casualties: People who were killed, captured or wounded in a war. Edward Braddock: a general sent by King George II, that was told to command British forces in North America. Treaty Of Paris: this was when Great Britain and France signed a treaty in 1763,ending war.
Why did many colonists move to the frontier? Colonists moved to the frontier because it had better soil and had better foods such deer and turkey. What factors led to Pontiac’s Rebellion? The factors that led to Pontiac’s Rebellion was that British beloved that they were entitled that the land that France had owned. What was the Proclamation of 1763, and how effective was it? The factors that led to Pontiac’s Rebellion was that it banned British from settling on thee Appalachian Mountains.It didn’t have an affect they just ignored it.
Backcountry- Frontier region in Virginia and the Carolinas between coastal settlements and the Appalachian Mountains. Pioneers- People who first settle in an area. Pontiac’s Rebellion- (1763) Unsuccessful effort by Ottawa chief Pontiac and his allies to drive out British on the frontier. King George III- Issued the Proclamation of 1763 to avoid problems such as disrupting trade and Britain spending money. $ Proclamation of British Proclamation banning further colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains and ordering colonists already living there to move their settlements.
Why did Great Britain create new taxes for the colonies? Great Britain Created new taxes for the colonies because they wanted to help pay for thee standing army that was protecting thee colonist against American Indian attacks. Why did colonists dislike the new tax laws? The colonist didn’t like the new tax laws because they felt they were made without their consent. How did colonists challenge these new taxes? They challenged these new taxes by boycotting,they made thee sons of liberty,and frighten the tax collectors.
Boycott- To refuse to buy certain goods; method often used in protest movements. Repeal- To end or abolish. George Greenville Prime Minister that asked Parliament to tax colonists in order to help pay for the standing army (North American Army). Sugar Act- (1764) Law passed by the British Parliament setting taxes on molasses and sugar imported by the colonies. James Otis- A lawyer from Boston that protested taxation by Parliament. He believed that the tax was unfair and violated colonists’ rights. Samuel Adams- A leader that agreed with Otis. He also believed that Parliament could not tax the colonists without their consent and thought agreeing to the tax would be dangerous. Committees of Correspondence- Committees created in Massachusetts in the 1760s to help towns and colonies share information about resisting the new British laws. Stamp Act- (1765) Law passed by Parliament that raised tax money by requiring colonists to pay for an official stamp whenever they bought paper items such as newspapers, licenses, and legal documents. Sons Of Liberty- Secret societies formed by in the mid-1700s by colonists to protest new taxes and to frighten tax collectors. Patrick Henry- Presented a series of resolutions to the House of Burgesses in Virginia in May 1765.
How did colonists respond to the Townsend Acts? They responded to thee Townshed acts by boycotting,the sons of liberty attacked homes of tax collectors and the colonial legislatures circulated a later protesting the acts. Why were the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party significant events? Yes because,the Boston massacre changed the relationship between the colonist and soldiers. What was the purpose of the Intolerable Acts? The purpose of the Intolerable act was to bring back order in colonies by making an example of Massachusetts.
Writs of assistance- Special search warrants that allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods. Propaganda- Stories and images designed to support a particular point of view. Townshend Acts- (1767) Laws passed by Parliament placing duties on certain items imported by the colonists. Daughters of Liberty- Women’s group that used boycotts and other measures to support the colonies’ resistance to the British. Boston Massacre- (1770) Incident in which British soldiers fired into an angry crowd of colonists, killing five people. Tea Act- (1773) Law passed by Parliament allowing the British, East India Company to sell its low-cost tea directly to the colonies, undermining colonial tea merchants; led to the Boston Tea Party. Boston Tea Party- (1773) Protest against the Tea Act in which a group of colonists boarded British tea ships and dumped some 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. Intolerable Acts- (1774) A set of laws passed by Parliament to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party and to tighten government control of the colonies. Mercy Otis Warren- Colonist that wrote plays.