1 Ottawa, ON Apr 7, 2015 CNS President’s Message Ottawa Branch Event
years! 2
Tour Guide CNS Pres AECL CNL 3
Economy Electrical Demand Increasing at 7%/year Little Demand Increase + NG 4
Performance Pre-TMI World Class 5
Careers 100’s of New Jobs Per Year Challenging Market 6
Influence Total CANDU Diversified International Expertise 7
Just CNA & COG Many Working Together 8
Industry Update 9
10 Pickering, Ontario ( , ) Darlington, Ontario ( ) Bruce, Ontario ( , ) Pt. Lepreau, New Brunswick (1983) Gentilly 1 and 2, Quebec (1971, 1983) Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD), Ontario (1962) CANDU in Canada Douglas Point, Ontario (1966)
Highlights 1. Point Lepreau 2. Gentilly-2 3. Darlington 4. Pickering 5. Bruce 6. Canadian Nuclear Laboratories 7. Universities 8. Nuclear Liability & Compensation Act 11
12 CANDU around the world Wolsong, South Korea (1982, ) Embalse, Argentina (1984) Cernavoda, Romania (1996, 2007, …) Rajasthan, India (1973, 1982) Rajasthan, India (1973, 1982) Kanupp, Pakistan (1972) Qinshan, China ( )
The CNS 13
CNS Core Business 1. Advocacy 2. Education & Outreach 3. Member Services 4. Branch Activities 5. Conferences, Workshops & Courses 6. Recognition 14
N6: Working Together Partner with others who have a common goal via Nuclear Leadership Forum. 15
Some of our Events CANDU Maintenance Conference (May Toronto) Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (Aug Vancouver) Annual Conference + Student Conference + OCI Supplier Event (Jun 2015 – Saint John NB) (New) Fire Safety & Emergency Preparedness Technical Meeting (Jun 2015) (Renamed from SGC) International Nuclear Components Conference (2015 – Mississauga) 16
AnnCon 2015 CNS & NB Power Co-Hosts Gaëtan Thomas Honorary Chair First ‘Harold A. Smith’ Lecture by Pierre Tremblay of CNP CNA-CNS Student Poster Conference Trade Show & OCI-NB Power Supplier Event (over 40 exhibitors) CNA-CNS Honours & Awards (9/10 awards have recipients!) Plenary Program (6 sessions) Technical Program (100 papers in 5 half-day parallel sessions) Banquet Featuring NB Food & Entertainment 17
What do our Partners at ANS Say? Not unlike us: Highly Motivated Members (11,000) Eager to Spread the Word Challenge: Financial/Volunteer Hours Challenge: Political/Regulatory Challenge: A Simple Message Challenge: Nuclear & Climate Change 18
The Final Message Get Involved! Our Website: us: or simply contact me: Jacques Plourde
20 Renewables + Fossil Fuels = Climate Change Renewables + Nuclear Power = Climate Action