Bell RingerDate: October 27 nd,2015 1)Wait to be handed your DBQ, copy down the HW for this week. 2) Take out a new Bell Ringers Sheet for this week and answer the question below… Question: Which ideal of the DOI (Equality, Unalienable Rights, Consent of the Governed, or the right to alter/abolish government) do you think is most important?
What are you supposed to do upon arrival to class? What should you be doing when someone else is talking? What should you do if you need to leave your seat, go to the restroom, sharpen your pencil, or leave the room? Review of Rules & Procedures
Strike One is your first and only warning for the day. If I say you have one strike, stop what you are doing and read over the class rules. Figure out what rule you are breaking and adjust your behavior. Explanation of terms If I say that you have a two strikes in the same day, you will (at a minimum) need to stay after class to discuss what you’ve done. The maximum penalty for two strikes is being sent out of the room with an administrator.
Explanation of terms Just like in the game of baseball, 3 strikes and your out. Strike 3 is for gross defiance of the rules. In this class, I won’t strike anyone out without a warning. If something happens that would deserve a strike 3, I will call an administrator into the class.
Answers for Background Essay Questions 1) Thomas Jefferson 2) Introduction, Ideal, Grievances, Declaration of Independence 3) It states Ideals 4) Rights that cannot be taken away, Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness 5) To protect your rights 6) Abolish or throw out government 7)Independence – On your own Grievances – What is wrong Ideals – What you hope for Self-Evident – Widely known Unalienable Rights – Rights that cannot be taken away
Answers for Document B 1) Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness 2) President Obama 3) The journey is more important than the destination 4) No, society cannot exist without equality 5) Yes, not everyone has equal opportunity 6) As times change, the rights that our government should protect may change as well.
Answers for Document C 1) Consent of the governed 2) They protested for democracy and against government corruption. 3) The people are sovereign. It means people have the ultimate power. 4) Liberty is _______ under conditions of modern day China. The government is not responsive to the people. 5) Happiness is….. 6) It points out that consent of the governed insure ultimate power rests with the people.
Recall…What are the four ideals in the Declaration of Independence? Equality for All Unalienable Rights (Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness) Consent of the governed Abolish or alter government
An Interesting Title for your Essay
Declaration of our Nation!
Fact, Rhetorical Question, or Quote An Interesting Title for your Essay
The Declaration of Independence is considered the “most influential document in American History.” Declaration of our Nation!
An Interesting Title for your Essay Fact, Rhetorical Question, or Quote Background Essay Questions Here
The Declaration of Independence is considered the “most influential document in American History.” Declaration of our Nation! Thomas Jefferson wrote the DOI which includes four parts. The four parts include the introduction, ideals, grievances, and declaring independence.
An Interesting Title for your Essay Fact, Rhetorical Question, or Quote Background Essay Questions Here Mini-Q Question
The Declaration of Independence is considered the “most influential document in American History.” Declaration of our Nation! Thomas Jefferson wrote the DOI which includes four parts. The four parts include the introduction, ideals, grievances, and declaring independence. There are four ideals in the DOI, but which is most important?
An Interesting Title for your Essay Fact, Rhetorical Question, or Quote Background Essay Questions Here Mini-Q Question Focus of DBQ and Four Documents
The Declaration of Independence is considered the “most influential document in American History.” Declaration of our Nation! Thomas Jefferson wrote the DOI at the age of 33. The document includes four parts: the introduction, ideals, grievances, and declaring independence. There are four main ideals in the DOI, but which is most important? The four ideals are equality, unalienable rights, consent of the governed, and the right to alter or abolish government, and the most important is ____________.