1 1. Feb 2001:NRL 2. May 2001:NRL 3. Nov 2001:LLNL 4.Apr 2002:GA 5. Dec 2002:NRL 6. Apr 2003:Sandia 7. Sep 2003:Wisconsin 8. Feb 2004:Georgia Tech 9. Jun 2004:UCLA 10. Oct 2004:PPPL 11. Mar 2005:NRL 12. Jun 2005:LLNL 13. Nov 2005: LLE 14. Mar 2006:ORNL 15. Aug 2006:GA 3, 12 4, ,2,5,11 Welcome to the 15 th HAPL meeting
2 We are developing the science, technology and architecture for a laser fusion power plant... as if we will be called upon to build one Universities 1.UCSD 2.Wisconsin 3.Georgia Tech 4.UCLA 5.U Rochester, LLE 6.UC Santa Barbara 7.UC Berkeley 8.UNC 9.Penn State Electro-optics Government Labs 1.NRL 2.LLNL 3.SNL 4.LANL 5.ORNL 6.PPPL 7.SRNL 8.INEL Industry 1.General Atomics 2.Titan/PSD 3.Schafer Corp 4.SAIC 5.Commonwealth Tech 6.Coherent 7.Onyx 8.DEI 9.Voss Scientific 10.Northrup 11.Ultramet, Inc 12.Plasma Processes, Inc 13.PLEX Corporation 14.FTF Corporation 15.Research Scientific Inst 16.Optiswitch Technology 17.ESLI
3 1 ms pulse width, 25 Hz = 700 nm 2 m Thickness Loss m Thickness Loss/year (10 < E < 100 keV) 50 m Mass Loss/year (10 < E < 100 keV)1 tonne Radell Zenobia Kulcinski (Wisconsin) 1 m Pulsed He irradiation of tungsten at 1140 C 1 ms, 25 Hz, He/cm 2 total = 8.5 FPD (10 keV < E He < 100 kV)
4 One approach to a problem: Keep doing what you’re doing… and hope no one will notice
5 “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”..... Thomas Edison We are going to perspire and inspire We have an excellent R&D program to understand the behavior of solid tungsten armor. We need to allow for innovative concepts that may lead to a first wall solution magnetic intervention engineered walls advanced armor/chamber concepts Special discussion period on first wall (and MI dump) “armor” concepts
6 Thanks Camille...and good luck!
7 Workshop Agenda Wednesday Final Optics Optics discussion: Lifetime testing A. Bayramian: moderator Break Chamber Blankets & Neutronics, Lunch Tritium Target Fabrication Target Injection and engagement Meeting Wrap up Tuesday Lasers Break Target Physics Power Plant Economics Group Photo Lunch First Wall Armor: Experiments Poster Break (only one!) First Wall Armor: Modeling First Wall Armor: Discussion R. Raffray: moderator Dinner: Scripps Burch Aquarium
8 You should keep your talk on time "You should keep your talk on time"