Puberty/Self-Esteem Jeopardy
Feeling good in your Skin What’s Up Don’t worry No Sweat Decisions Feeling good in your Skin $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
What’s Up $100 Question The time in a teen’s life when many changes occur?
What’s up $100 Answer What is Puberty?
What’s up $200 Question What is the change that is most noticeable in Boys?
What are voice changes or cracking of the voice ? What’s up $200 Answer What are voice changes or cracking of the voice ? (or Facial Hair)
What’s Up $300 Question Puberty starts and happens because of the these actions.
What’s up? $300 Answer What are Hormones ?
What’s Up $400 Question You may feel clumsy when you learn to manage your longer arms and legs and bigger feet during one of these.
What’s Up $400 Answer What is a Growth Spurt ? This method is used by 6 % of the population and is not effective.
What’s Up $500 Question True or False ? Boys and girls go through puberty at the same time. True or False ?
What is false ? What’s up $500 Answer Each person goes through puberty at their own speed – any time between ages 9-16.
Don’t Worry $100 Question Name something teens worry about when going through Puberty.
Don’t Worry $100 Answer What are: * being teased * acne * appearance * height/weight ? The pill replaces the natural female cycle with an artificial one. The ovaries stop their reproduction and there is no ovulation. The pill contains estrogens and progesterone (female hormones) which trick the body into a false pregnancy state where there is no ovulation. The pill also changes the mucous in the cervix and the lining of the uterus.
Don’t Worry $200 Question People I can talk to about my changes and feelings.
Don’t Worry $200 Answer Who are: * Parents * Teacher/Guidance * Friends * Relatives * Doctor/Nurse * Kids Help Phone ?
Don’t Worry $300 Question TRUE or FALSE It is normal to have mood changes during Puberty.
Don’t Worry $300 Answer What is TRUE ? Any of these events will affect the level of hormone and cause the pill to be less effective or ineffective.
Don’t Worry $400 Question Feeling good about who you are, helps you to do these things.
Don’t Worry $400 Answer What is: * Make new friends * Reach your goals * Try new things ?
Don’t’ Worry $500 Question When you have high confidence in yourself and feel good about who you are.
What is high self esteem? Don’t Worry $500 Answer What is high self esteem? A woman must take the pill for a full month in order for the hormones to be effective in suppressing ovulation etc.
No Sweat $100 Question These can cause you to sweat and lead to body odour.
No Sweat $100 Answer What is: * Exercise – Gym Class * Nervousness * Being excited ? Any 3 of these answers are acceptable. Provide explanations as needed of how these methods work.
No sweat $200 Question When perspiration odour first begins.
No Sweat $200 Answer Usually between the ages of 9 to13 What is during puberty ? Usually between the ages of 9 to13
No Sweat $300 Question The best way to take care of oily hair?
No Sweat $300 Answer What is washing your hair every day or two with a mild shampoo ?
No Sweat $400 Question Males and females can do these every day to control body odour.
No Sweat $400 Answer What are: * Daily bath or shower * Use deodorant after shower * Clean clothes ?
No Sweat $500 Question The names of the two types of sweat glands in your body.
No Sweat $500 Answer What are: * Apocrine glands (smelly) ? * Eccrine glands (odourless) * Apocrine glands (smelly) ?
Decisions $100 Question The steps involved in making a big decision.
Decisions $100 Answer What are: * Ask questions * Get the facts * Talk to someone you trust ?
Decisions $200 Question When the decision you make turns out bad, things you can do to make the situation better.
Decision $200 Answer What are: * Learn from your mistakes * Say you are sorry * Talk about it
Decisions $300 Question During puberty you will start to have more responsibilities at home and school - name two.
Decisions $300 Answer What are: * More chores at home * Baby-sit younger siblings * Responsible for own behaviour ?
Decisions $400 Question When friends put pressure on you to do something that you know is wrong.
Decisions $400 Answer What is Peer Pressure ?
Decisions $500 Question Things you can do to resist peer pressure.
Decisions $500 Answer What are: * hang out with friends who have similar interests * say your opinions confidently * just leave * say “ No” ?
Feeling good in your skin $100 Question True or False Washing your skin daily with an anti-bacterial face wash will help prevent acne.
Feeling good in your skin $100 Answer What is True? However, don’t worry if there are times you get the odd pimple.
Feeling good in your skin $200 Question True or False Squeezing pimples gets rid of them faster.
Feeling good in your skin $200 Answer What is False ? Squeezing may actually cause scarring and cause acne to spread.
Feeling good in your skin $300 Question TRUE or FALSE Chocolate and greasy foods cause pimples.
Feeling good in your skin $300 Answer What is False ? However you need a balanced diet to keep your skin and body healthy.
Feeling good in your skin $400 Question The largest organ in the body which actually protects us from the sun’s harmful rays?
Feeling good in your skin $400 Answer What is your epidermis (skin) ?
Feeling good in your skin $500 Question Things you can do to keep yourself clean, healthy and feeling good in your skin.
Feeling good in your skin $500 Answer What is: * shower/bath daily * eat a nutritious balanced diet * get plenty of rest/sleep * exercise/stay active ? Six capsules are inserted by a doctor in the office or clinic using local freezing. It is 99% effective for 5 years.
Thanks for playing… JEOPARDY