1 AT&T Detariffing Resolution T COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION 4/16/09
2 Resolution T Approves AL – AT&T’s request to detariff certain residential and business services Affirms that Residential Service Agreements must be clear, informative, just and reasonable, and comply with applicable federal and state law.
3 Detariffing Background D (URF Detariffing) Permitted URF carriers to detariff retail services, except local service, to provide symmetric regulatory treatment to all competitors in the market place. 24 month window, ending September 12, 2009, to file to detariff services. Contracts/Service Agreements take the place of tariffs. The Commission did not adopt specific content regulations for contracts/service agreements.
4 AT&T Detariffing AL AT&T filed AL on August 29, 2008 requesting authority to detariff more than 90 residential and business services, effective October 1, During July & August 2008, AT&T sent customers a Residential Service Agreement (RSA) and Notice of Detariffing. October 17, 2008 CD suspended AL in order to respond to consumer complaints and DRA/TURN Joint Protest. February 9, 2009 AT&T filed a revision to the AL.
5 Residential Service Agreement (RSA) RSA and Notice Sent to customers in July-August 2008 informing them Certain services will now be provided under a contract (RSA). Consumers can accept the terms and conditions or cancel service. Referred to a Guidebook that was not included or accessible on- line Many consumer complaints were lodged with the Commission. Unclear as to what services were covered. Confusion regarding consumers’ rights. DRA and TURN filed a Joint Protest re: RSA. Claimed it violated CPUC Code and California contract law by including binding arbitration requirements and confusing legal language.
6 Commission Response to RSA Complaints Directed AT&T to work with CD staff to modify elements in the RSA to address consumer complaints and DRA/TURN protest. AT&T modified the RSA in a manner that incorporated CD suggestions and addressed consumer complaints.