NCTM Technology Principle and Position Statement Reading Group A: Jennifer Lill Amanda Schellinger Brett Wikierak
We are going to begin with a GAME!
Rules Two teams Team 1 : Calculator Team 2 : Brain Your team gets a point if you answer the problem correctly that is shown on the PowerPoint slide before the opposing team. Calculator Team: Raise calculator when you have the answer. We will check the answer and your work on the calculator. You need both Brain Team: Raise your hand. Then give us the answer when we call on you.
3x + 9y + 6z = 3 2x + y – z = 2 x + y + z = 2
[(105 * 7) / 9] * 27 – 50 =
(1/6) + (5/6) – (1) + (1/2) =
(1/4) + (1/2) =
(19,683) 1/3 =
5 * 6 =
4a + 2b + c = 4 a - b + c = 1 4a - 2b + c = 5
(29,584) 1/2 =
26 * 13 – =
Discussion on the game Does the calculator increase efficiency? Does the calculator always win? What did you learn from this activity about calculators/technology when doing mathematics?
“Technology should not be used as a replacement for basic understandings and intuitions; rather it can and should be used to foster those understandings and intuitions.”
The Technology Principle Electronic technologies, calculators and computers, are essential tools for teaching, learning, and doing mathematics The are able to enhance student learning with visualizing ideas and computing efficiently. However, technology should NOT be used as a replacement for basic understanding. It should be use to foster those understandings.
The Technology Principle It enhances mathematics learning. Students are able to examine more examples than they are able to do by hand. Therefore they can explore more conjectures. It allows them to do routine procedures quickly, giving more time conceptualizing and modeling. With technology teachers are able to adapt their instruction to help students with special needs.
The Technology Principle Technology supports effective mathematics teaching. It can only be effective if teachers use it correctly. Just like any “tool” it can be used poorly. Technology does not replace the teacher. The teacher plays a significant role as the decision maker. Technology also aides in assesment.
The Technology Principle Technology influences what mathematics is taught. With technology teachers are able use topics that were once over looked. Technology can help connect the development of skills and procedures to the more general development of understanding. Many topics in math take on new importance in a contemporary classroom; the boundaries of the mathematical landscape are being transformed.
NCTM Position on Technology Technology is essential for learning mathematics in today’s world Technology can be used for everything from computation to representation Technology should not replace basic computational skills Technology should be used in all aspects of education Teachers need to stay up to date with the technology that can be used for mathematics instruction
Discussion Questions In NCTM’s Principles and Standards, every student has access to technology. Is this right to assume? Is equity being considered here? Do you agree with the idea that teachers are not replace; that they become important decision makers?
Discussion Questions (cont.) If this was your position, is there anything else that you would add in? Would you take anything out? What did you think about the role of the teacher that was described in this position? The position described many different ways technology could be used in the classroom. Which do you think would be the most effective?