Renaming Fractions as Decimals The trick to this is to get the fraction in a base divisible by The denominator is in base 10. The zeros in the denominator show you how many places to the left to move the decimal. There is one zero in 10 so move the decimal one space to the left of the numerator. 4.. Let’s try again There are two zeros in 100 so the decimal in the numerator is moved two spaces to the left So if the fraction looks like this: Multiply to get the fraction in a base 10 multiple. X 5 = There are two zeros in the denominator so… You’re done! Whatever you do to one side of the fraction, you must do to the other! 65..
Renaming Fractions as Decimals: Dividing 5 8 The fraction line is the same as a division line. This fraction is the same as saying 5 ÷ 8. So to rewrite this fraction divide 5.0 by ) Bring the decimal into the quotient.. 8 can not divide into 5 so look one place value to the right and consider that the first number in your dividend. Fractions are just another way of writing decimals. 5/8 is equivalent to.625! 48 There can be an infinite number of zeros to the right of the decimal and that would not change the value of the dividend. You don’t want a remainder, so add a zero to the right of the decimal and bring it down to continue dividing Add another zero