Electronic Communication Ken Nguyen Department of Information Technology Clayton State University
Applied Computing Electronic Communication There are abundant types of electronic communication such as: and webmail, discussion forum, Instant Messaging, Blogging and texting. They have at least 2 things in common: Digital formats Communication via electronic channels
Applied Computing s An electronic mail, or a digital message consists in an evelope the message header and the message. The message header controls information along with sender's address, and recipients' addresses s was started with a common host (must be on the same machine to send and recieved) and have been evolved into network store and forward
Applied Computing How mordern s work Sending: STMP Retreving: POP or IMAP Images from gerenoygelly.blogspot.com
Applied Computing Forums/ Mesage Boards Messages are stored on a server Messages are organized in groups and threads Users access the messages via the Internet Users must sign into their accounts to see their private messages There may be a moderator for a forum
Applied Computing Chat and IM Users must all be active – i.e. All users must be online and electronically reachable The server's main job is to propage and relay the users electronic addressable locations. Messages are sent directly from one user to others by P2P
Blogs Online dairies Most blogs are interactive, i.e viewers can leave comments Entries are often displayed in reverse- chronological order There are many types of blogs: art blogs, music blogs (MP3 blogs), audio blogs (potcasting), video blogs (vlogging), and microblogs (featuring very short messages), etc. Applied Computing
SMS, Tweets and Texting SMS: A Short Message Service that utilizes control message to send data accrosss mobil devices SMS messages can be up to 160 characters (extending from 128 bytes to 140 bytes or bit characters). Tweet: a microblog message that is transferred to mobile devices as an sms message Texting: sending a message to a mobile device
Applied Computing Discussion Relating s/webmails/forums/blogs Relating Chats/IMs/tweets/SMS Imagining a day without electronic comuunication
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