Microsoft Confidential About this deck This presentation is intended to be used by agencies that want to help their clients better understand the value of using Bing Ads to place search ads on Bing and Yahoo. You’ll need to review the slides prior to your presentation and: Add your logo to the placeholder on every slide Update slide 18 with information about your services Slide 19 contains pointers to help you prepare for your presentation Delete slides 1 and 19 and all red instructional boxes before presenting If you have any questions about this deck or our agency services, please contact us at IMPORTANT: This slide is for guidance only. Be sure to delete it prior to your presentation.
Grow you business by reaching more customers through Bing Ads IMPORTANT: Replace the Picture Placeholder above with your logo (2.5” wide x.5” high, 150 dpi). Delete this box when you are done. Click icon to add Your Logo Name Title
Learn how you can IMPORTANT: ON EACH PAGE, Replace the Picture Placeholder below with Your Logo (2.5” wide x.5” high, 150 dpi). Delete this box when you are done. Click icon to add Your Logo
The Bing story Bing is the search engine that brings web results together to help you spend less time searching and more time doing. Bing is brought to you by Microsoft and is available on PCs, mobile phones and tablets. Bing partnered with Yahoo to create a larger search ad marketplace that displays ads on Bing, Yahoo and their partner sites. Click icon to add Your Logo
Our growth strategy continues to drive audience volume Device integration brings Bing to the searchers. Partnerships deliver Bing infrastructure to strategic properties. Click icon to add Your Logo
Bing integration continues to pave the way Microsoft Lumia SwayWord Online Click icon to add Your Logo
Net Marketshare December billion people use Windows every day. Windows 10 download available for free for one year to current Windows users. Windows operating system has 75% market share globally. Click icon to add Your Logo Bing integration continues to pave the way
17M unique searchers 12% share 449M monthly searches Bing powers 12% of all searches in Canada comScore qSearch (custom), June 2015; includes Microsoft and Yahoo Core Search sites in Canada. Click icon to add Your Logo Our unique searchers also spend 18% more online than the average Internet searcher and 6% more than Google searchers in Canada. 2
Microsoft Confidential Find your audience anytime, anywhere Reach a high-quality audience with ads that reach searchers across all devices At home Target by location, time, demographics, age and gender, and even by device to find your perfect customer. On the go Target your ads to specific device operating systems and promote your closest business location so customers can easily find you. Click icon to add Your Logo
Microsoft Confidential We spend where we live It is now essential for small businesses to have a local search strategy Mobile 76% of smartphone searchers have used a store locator or location extension in search results to help them find and visit a local store. 1 Three out of four purchases resulting from a mobile search take place in a physical store. 2 Tablet 81% of tablet owners use those devices for local searches Nielsen, The Digital Consumer Report, comScore "State of the U.S. Online Retail Economy in Q1 2014," May comScore, Neustar Localeze, 15 miles, Local Search Study April Click icon to add Your Logo
Microsoft Confidential Applicable to all types of businesses Bing Ads delivers a substantial share of paid clicks by vertical comScore qSearch (custom), U.S., June 2015; industry categories based on comScore classifications. Technology 42% Telecom 39% Retail 36% Travel (Airlines) Health 42% 41% Automotive Education 35% Financial services 43% 42% Click icon to add Your Logo
Microsoft Confidential Access searchers not reached on Google comScore qSearch (custom), U.S., June Industry categories based on comScore classifications. Click icon to add Your Logo
Yahoo is the default search engine for Firefox, helping it to gain ground in search market share Let’s put search where people are, instead of expecting them to come to the search box. Click icon to add Your Logo
Features to refine your markets Bing Ads has powerful features that help you target searchers. Bing Ads makes it easy to target your ideal customers — whether they’re near a specific address or on a specific device. Target searchers within a city, zip/postal code, designated market area (DMA), or a combination of targets. Click icon to add Your Logo
Features that increase conversions Use these features to help your ads generate more traffic. Click icon to add Your Logo
Enhanced Sitelinks Add up to two lines of descriptive text under your Sitelink Extensions. With Enhanced Sitelinks you can add two lines of description below each sitelink and increase the prominence of the sitelink by enlarging the font size. This allows you to create richer, more relevant ads that take up even more real estate on the search results page. 1. Microsoft Internal Data, Users average 22% higher click- through rates when compared to ads without Enhanced Sitelinks 1 Click icon to add Your Logo
What’s the bottom line? Connect with Bing and Yahoo searchers who spend more online than the average Internet searcher. Reach potential customers anytime, anywhere and on any device. Let us help you create compelling ads that maximize conversions and grow your business.
Get more from your ads – an introduction to our services Agency history and expertise Agency size (employees, billings) Specific vertical industry/location experience Biographies of key executives and potential members of your account team and their relevant experiences Call out certification and accreditation of individual team members Examples of agency experience in the vertical market Case studies with results Client portfolio (average tenure, retention rate) Billing policies and terms Pricing structure (i.e. retainer, commission, time, spend or performance based) Higher value services and fees SLA terms Frequency of team phone calls, on-site visits and reports Training and onboarding services Click icon to add Your Logo
Prepare for your meeting Understand your client’s organisation and industry structure. Understand their immediate needs and current marketing initiatives. Understand their potential customers’ characteristics, demographics and relevant actions you expect from them (media consumption, purchase, sign-ups, brand awareness, etc.). Understand the scope of work and success metrics for the project. Analyse the competitive landscape and opportunities for improvement. Be prepared to answer how can you help your client achieve their goals effectively and efficiently with Bing Ads. Be prepared to describe your unique abilities to deliver best results. Use relevant past experiences with results achieved.
Microsoft Confidential
© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.