TETRAPARTITE 2008 USA COUNTRY REPORT Dr. Edward B. Knipling Administrator Agricultural Research Service
TOPICS Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Delegation U.S. Policy Environment ARS Budgets Research Priorities Emerging/Continuing Issues Farm Bill
ARS Delegation Dr. Edward B. Knipling, Administrator Dr. Caird E. Rexroad, Jr., Associate Administrator Dr. Wilbert (Will) H. Blackburn, Director – Northern Plains Area Dr. Allison A. Yates, Director – Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
U.S. Policy Environment New Secretary – Edward Schafer Tight budgets for non-defense spending Election year – Administration change New Farm Bill High Commodity/Food Prices and Food vs Fuel debates Greater policy attention to climate change?
ARS Budget FY 2008 $1.1 Billion appropriation Down $10 Million from 2007 level Third consecutive year with a flat, no- increase budget Aligns 80 percent of prior-year earmarks ($210 Million) with National priorities; 20 percent ($41 Million) earmarks remain
Proposed Budget FY 2009 Pending before Congress $1 Billion – 7.5 percent net reduction ($84 Million) from 2008 Redirects $64 Million base programs to enhance priority research
Proposed Budget FY 2009 (continued) Terminates $59 Million in lesser priority base research programs and $41 Million in prior-year earmarks – closes 20 ARS laboratories New BSL-3 Avian Influenza facility at Athens, Georgia (planning funds) Final Congressional action 6 months away, after election
Proposed Budget FY 2010 On hold pending new Administration Expected to reflect level or reduced spending from FY 2009 May reflect food price crisis and new Farm Bill provisions
ARS Research Priorities Human Nutrition/Obesity Prevention Bioenergy/Biobased Products Food Safety Emerging Diseases/Invasive Species Water Resources (reuse) Genetic Resources and Genomics Specialty Crops
Emerging/Continuing Issues High Food Prices Colony Collapse Disorder – Honeybees Wheat Stem Rust Threat (Ug-99 Race)* Produce Food Safety Avian Influenza *Special opportunity for Tetrapartite collaboration
New 2008 Farm Bill U.S. farm/food policy and authorizing legislation Enacted May 2008; still highly controversial Modestly reduces crop and ethanol subsidies; establishes payment limits Enhances trade, nutrition assistance, and conservation programs
New 2008 Farm Bill (continued) Research and related matters - Proposed reorganization of ARS did not occur - New Program Director staff established at the Under Secretary level to coordinate intramural and extramural programs - Under Secretary provided dual title of USDA Chief Scientist - Tasked to set the USDA research, education, and extension agenda (“Roadmap”) and recommend funding levels
New 2008 Farm Bill (continued) - Former USDA extramural funding organization (CSREES) renamed National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), with enhanced funding authorities for competitive research - Specialty Crop and Organic Crop Research Initiatives - Bioenergy Research Initiative - Foot and Mouth Disease Research on Mainland
A better future through agricultural research and information