Circulatory System Blood Endocrine System Senses Nervous System
What is the function of neuroglial cells? Protection and support of the neurons
What is the function of the dendrite? Transmit impulses to the cell body
What is the all or nothing principle? An AP is triggered when a threshold stimulus is applied
What two factors determine the rate of an action potential? Diameter of axon and myelination
List the two main structures found in the CNS. Brain and spinal cord
What is the name of the photopigment found in the rods? Rhodopsin
What is the function of the lens? Refracts light to be focused on retina
What happens to the ciliary muscles and lens when you look at a distant object? Muscles relax, lens is elongated
What is the area of the retina that does not produce an image called? Optic disc (blind spot)
Describe two symptoms of glaucoma. Loss of peripheral vision, intraocular pressure exceeding 25 mmHg
What are the endocrine cells in the pancreas called? Islets of Langerhans
Which of the following is not an example of an endocrine gland? (Sweat, adrenal, parathyroid, pituitary or pineal gland) Sweat gland
What two hormones are responsible for regulating blood calcium levels? Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
What hormone is typically regulated by positive feedback? Oxytocin
What two hormones are involved in the fight or flight response? Epinephrine and norepinephrine
If a mother and her fetus have an incompatible Rh factor, what disorder would result? Erythroblastosis fetalis
Define hemocrit. Measure of percent of volume of whole blood that is made up of RBC
Define hemopoiesis. Blood cell formation
What prevents blood loss in a damaged vessel? Hemostasis (platelet plug formation, vascular spasm, coagulation)
Describe antigens, antibodies and Rh factor found in A- and B+ individuals A- carries A antigens; anti- B antibodies and no Rh B+ carries B antigens; anti-A antibodies and Rh
What surrounds the heart? What is its function? Pericardium; protects heart from overextension
What is the function of the atrio-ventricular (AV) valves? Prevent backflow of blood from ventricles to atrium
What is the pacemaker of the heart? SA node (sinoatrial node)
How are veins and arteries different structurally? Veins have valves
What is the function of capillaries? Exchange of gases and nutrients between cells and blood