O JIBWA Raven, Nada, Asha
W HERE DID THEY LIVE ? North America Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan
H OMES Ojibwa homes were Wigwams. Wigwams are made of brich barck and wodden frames wich are covered with woven.
F OOD What did they eat? Rice,Corn,Nuts,Fruit, Fish,Maple Sugar,Dogs Meat,Bear,Deer,Beans, Sqash. How did they get their food? Hunting Fishing Trapping
R OLES OF M EN AND W OMEN What were the jobs of men? Men were hunters and went to war to protect there families. What were the jobs of women? Women were farmers and did child care and cooking
R OLES OF C HILDREN What did children do? They do the same things that children do Play and have lots of fun Cook with there moms and help them
S PECIAL T RADE OR S KILL Ojibway artists are known for their beautiful beadwork Desingns and picturs Beading What did they do with beads
C LOTHING Women’s clothing Long dresses with removeable sleevs and moccasins. Made out of buck skin(deer skin) Men’s clothing Men were breech clothes leggings moccasins They were made of buck skin(deer skin)
I NTERESTING F ACTS They used different plants as medice. The three fires were called the anishnabeg. The bark made a nice horn for calling moose from miles away.