Regional GBV Task Force East, Central and Southern Africa Inter Agency GBV TASK FORCE
Background and Purpose Established in 2005 from lack of attention to and coordination of GBV activities in GLR, HoA Primary goal is to improve capacity to address GBV in the ECSAR region by: – sharing and manage information, – harmonizing activities, – mobilizing resources – facilitating advocacy, and – identifying technical and other forms assistance that we can provide at the international, regional, national, and local levels. Inter Agency GBV TASK FORCE
Structure Covers East, Central and Eastern Africa; Southern Africa and the Horn of Africa Rotating chair Steering Committee (UNICEF, UNIFEM, UNFPA, USAID, OCHA, UNHCR and the NGO Alliance) meets every 3 months Monthly open meetings Part of Inter Agency Working Group on Disaster Preparedness for central and East Africa / Regional Humanitarian Partnership Team Inter Agency GBV TASK FORCE
Some activities Joint Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) projects Implementation of joint DfiD workplan on HIV/AIDS and GBV Advocacy - International women’s day Regional GBV Strategic Framework Technical support – Coordination in Somalia Advocacy - GBV in drought GBV Calender of events Inter Agency GBV TASK FORCE
More information Jennifer Miquel or Lucy Dickinson Inter Agency GBV TASK FORCE V