Research Concierge Service
Purpose of Research Concierge Service The RCS is the "Front Door", or entry way, to all resources of the CTSC program. Researchers from all partner institutions can more easily identify and access the CTSC's vast resources, both well-established but perhaps unknown and those newly developed.
Research Concierge Service The Research Concierge : Answers questions about CTSC services and resources Matches research ideas and needs to core services Navigates the novice researcher through the nuts and bolts of getting a study underway and through the process (e.g., discussing formats and sections for protocols, data tools, managing data, locating needed data resources) Assists with data flow design and identification of data tools for studies Provides guidance on regulatory requirements, IRB, IACUC, compliance, and data safety and monitoring Provides education on the overall research process co
Research Concierge Service The Research Concierge: Responds to ad hoc requests from researchers Assists with identifying study recruitment resources Links researchers across disciplines and institutions Provides training on the use of SciVal Experts*
Concierge In General In general concierge services are those that offer a variety of services and information to make “guests”/ researchers welcome. An upscale service to accomplish “the impossible”-going to great lengths to assist a researcher with any request no matter how difficult or rare.