PDL Project By Larry Green Lake Tahoe Community College Catalogue of Mathematics Applications Found in Non-Mathematics Courses
Idea Began Five Years Ago Full mind and body workout
OER Course Lectures
Where They Reside
Useless Word Problems I have 23 coins in my pocket consisting of dimes and quarters that have total value of $3.65. How many dimes and how many quarters do I have?
Student Motivation Why do I have to take this worthless math course?
Pilot Prior Quarters The Hook Universally Positive, Wanted more.
Computer Power: Beginning of the 20 th Century
Moore’s Law ▪The number of transistors doubles every two years.
Latest Data
Computers reached the processor power of the fly brain in the year 2000.
Forecast Computers reached the processor power of the a mouse in 2012.
Forecast Computers will reach the processor power of the human brain in the year 2025
Forecast Computers will reach the combined processor power of all humans on earth in the year 2045.
Be Afraid
The Story of Mr. and Mrs. J
Mrs. J’s Dream
Survival Curve
Survival Equation
Productivity Equation
My New Neighbors
The End
The Site onscatalog/courselist.html onscatalog/courselist.html
How I Use the Site An application a Day Give introduction Pause and have students fill in the details Won’t be on the test Refer to it as we learn
Student Reaction Only positive comments Time trap: move on Best part of the class
Findings No factoring other then difference of squares Should we care? Regression analysis Now in Common Core
More Findings Maclaurin Series Expansion of Euler’s Equation