History of School Nutrition Standards To The School Nutrition Association John W. Bode Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Bode Matz PC March 3, 2008
Nutrition Standards History 1977 Law makes sale of competitive foods subject to USDA rules 1977 Law makes sale of competitive foods subject to USDA rules 1977 U.S. Senate Committee issues “Dietary Goals” 1977 U.S. Senate Committee issues “Dietary Goals”
Nutrition Standards History 1979 First Dietary Guidelines for Health Americans 1979 First Dietary Guidelines for Health Americans 1979 USDA publishes Competitive Foods Rule 1979 USDA publishes Competitive Foods Rule Prohibits sales of “minimal nutritional value” foods anywhere in school until last lunch of day is served Prohibits sales of “minimal nutritional value” foods anywhere in school until last lunch of day is served
Nutrition Standards History 1983 U.S. Court of Appeals overturns “time and place” portions of competitive foods rule 1983 U.S. Court of Appeals overturns “time and place” portions of competitive foods rule
Nutrition Standards History 1984 National Cancer Institute approaches Kellogg’s regarding cancer prevention message 1984 National Cancer Institute approaches Kellogg’s regarding cancer prevention message State Actions to block “claims” on food products State Actions to block “claims” on food products
Nutrition Standards History 1990 Enactment of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act Enactment of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act -- Nutrient Labeling of Packaged Foods Nutrient Labeling of Packaged Foods Standard Serving Sizes Standard Serving Sizes Regulation of Labeling Claims Regulation of Labeling Claims Nationally Uniform Rules Nationally Uniform Rules Burden on Interstate Commerce Burden on Interstate Commerce Affect on Food Costs Affect on Food Costs
Nutrition Standards History 1990 Enactment of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act Enactment of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act -- Science Based Science Based Nationally Uniform Nationally Uniform
Nutrition Standards History 1994 Law requires School Meal Pattern Follows Dietary Guidelines 1994 Law requires School Meal Pattern Follows Dietary Guidelines 1990’s Recognition of Child Obesity as Major Public Health Threat 1990’s Recognition of Child Obesity as Major Public Health Threat
Nutrition Standards History 2004 Law Requires Local Wellness Policies 2004 Law Requires Local Wellness Policies 2005 Revised Dietary Guidelines Issued 2005 Revised Dietary Guidelines Issued 2006 Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act Introduced 2006 Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act Introduced
Nutrition Standards History 2006 Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act Introduced 2006 Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act Introduced 2007 Institute of Medicine Report regarding Competitive Foods Institute of Medicine Report regarding Competitive Foods -- Foods to be Encouraged Foods to be Encouraged Foods Not Encouraged Foods Not Encouraged Other Foods – Exceed Intake Recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Nutrients such as fat and sodium Other Foods – Exceed Intake Recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Nutrients such as fat and sodium
A Matter of Standards SNA urges the Congress to require a science-based, yet practical, uniform national nutrition standard to govern the sale of all foods and beverages sold on the school campus during the school day. SNA urges the Congress to require a science-based, yet practical, uniform national nutrition standard to govern the sale of all foods and beverages sold on the school campus during the school day.
A Matter of Standards Give the Secretary the authority to regulate and enforce the sale of food and beverages outside of the cafeteria (ending the “time and place” rule). Give the Secretary the authority to regulate and enforce the sale of food and beverages outside of the cafeteria (ending the “time and place” rule).
A Matter of Standards Require all a la carte and competitive food sales to be consistent with the Dietary Guidelines, as is required for school meals. Require all a la carte and competitive food sales to be consistent with the Dietary Guidelines, as is required for school meals.
A Matter of Standards Require national uniform school meal patterns throughout the country. Children in all states and local districts need the same nutrients to grow and be healthy. The current lack of uniformity is increasing the cost of the program. Require national uniform school meal patterns throughout the country. Children in all states and local districts need the same nutrients to grow and be healthy. The current lack of uniformity is increasing the cost of the program.
QUESTIONS John W. Bode Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Bode Matz PC March 3, 2008