S EASONS OF THE YEAR Sharon Hodges 1 st grade class Teacher Student
W HAT IS A SEASON ? A season is a change in the earths climate. There are four different seasons. They are fall, winter, spring, and summer. Click here to go on Click here to go on
T HE FOUR DIFFERENT SEASON Click here after viewing the seasons
F ALL Fall which is also called Autumn. Fall is the time of year between summer and winter. When fall arrives the nights become longer. The leaves on the trees began to change colors. To yellow, brown, and red. The weather becomes cooler. Fall tends to have little rain but can be windy. This time of year is when you need to start dressing in warmer clothes.
W INTER Winter is the time of year between fall and spring. It is the coldest time of the year. This time of the year has the shortest days and the longest nights. This time of year brings snow. It is so cold that the rain turns into snow. This time of year you need to dress in very warm clothes.
S PRING Spring is the time of year between winter and summer. The days start to become longer. The weather becomes warmer. This is the time of year when flowers and plants began to bloom. Spring time is the time of year that we will see the most rain. Which helps all the plants grow. This time of year you don’t need to dress as warm.
S UMMER Summer is the time of year between spring and fall. It is the time of year with the longest days. This time of year also has the hottest days. We can still have rain in the summer but not as much as we do in the spring. Summer is the time of year when you can wear tee shirt and shorts.
W HAT SEASON IS THIS ? What season has the most rain? What season has the longest days? Click here to move on
W HAT SEASON IS THIS ? What season has the coldest days? What season does the leaves on trees change colors?
T EACHER I NSTRUCTIONS This activity is aligned with content, technology, and information standards. AZ Science StandardsExit Tutorial Begin TutorialPrevious Slide
AZ 1 ST GRADE SCIENCE STANDARDS Strand 6: Earth and Space Science Earth and Space Science provides the foundation for students to develop an understanding of the Earth, its history, composition, and formative processes, and an understanding of the solar system and the universe. Students study the regularities of the interrelated systems of the natural world. In doing so, they develop understandings of the basic laws, theories, and models that explain the world (NSES, 1995). By studying the Earth from both a historical and current time frame, students can make informed decisions about issues affecting the planet on which they live. Concept 3: Changes in the Earth and Sky Understand characteristics of weather conditions and climate. PO 1. Identify the following characteristics of seasonal weather patterns: temperature type of precipitation wind PO 2. Analyze how the weather affects daily activities.