November/December ISLN December 9, 2015 Today’s materials can be accessed at html
AGENDA Welcome, Agenda, Norms Great Teachers Are Great Leaders Professional Learning Open Space (adapted) Dr. Pruitt KSTA Talk Wind-up, Evaluation
Kentucky’s Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning – CHETL Assessment Literacy Leadership
Pausing Paraphrasing Providing Data Posing Questions Presume Positive Intentions Putting Ideas on the Table Paying Attention Norms of Collaboration
Year at a Glance
Great Teachers Make Great Leaders
Professional Learning Open Space Forum Topics Supportive/Shared Leadership Collective Creativity/Collaborative Problem Solving Shared Values/Vision Supportive Conditions Shared Personal Practice
Choose 3 of the 5 Topics In each rotation, one person will facilitate and one person will chart high points 10 minutes extra will be added to 3 rd rotation to synthesize charts and report out
Rotation 1: 8:45-9:10 Rotation 2: 9:10-9:35 Rotation 3: 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:10-Synthesize
Return to districts Complete Continuous Improvement Chart Effective PLC’s
Dr. Stephen Pruitt
Year at a Glance
Please complete the evaluation Next Meeting: Thur. Jan 21, ter/eventReg?oeidk=a07ebcbe1sub79c76 34&oseq=&c=&ch ter/eventReg?oeidk=a07ebcbe1sub79c76 34&oseq=&c=&ch= Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!