Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Paul French
Vision A Clinical Commissioning Group that is Clinically led and focussed Open and transparent Capable and efficient Inclusive and great at working well with others –Fully authorised by April 2013 –With ability to commission effectively –Which is transforming services –Bringing a clinical focus and adding value
Context Clinical commissioning groups key part of overall health service reform Links to the National Commissioning Board Aim to have GPs leading the commissioning process Other clinicians and representatives on CCG – including lay people Partnership working and stakeholder engagement priority All GP practices part of CCG
Locally … GPs now agreed single Dorset CCG for Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset Shadow board chaired by Dr Forbes Watson Representatives from all 14 localities Building understanding and relationships with Health and Wellbeing Boards Working towards authorisation
Authorisation Evidence –A strong clinical and professional focus which brings real added value –Meaningful engagement with patients, carers and their communities –Clear and credible plans which continue to deliver clinical and financial transformation –Proper constitutional and governance arrangements –Collaborative arrangements for commissioning with other clinical commissioning groups, local authorities and the NHS Commissioning Board –Great leaders who individually and collectively can make a real difference
Priorities for Dorset CCG Continue to deliver transformation –Care closer to home –Reduce health inequalities –Needs led commissioning –Commissioning for outcomes –Deliver financial savings Support and develop existing partnerships Engage patients and carers
Clinical commissioning programmes Priorities for the commissioning of healthcare in a number of common conditions grouped into programmes –Cancer –Disease Prevention and Health Improvement –Reproductive and Family Health –General Medical –Cardiovascular, Stroke and Diabetes –Musculoskeletal and Trauma –Mental Health and Learning Disability Led by local GPs
Principles for CCG Focus on patient needs Build on working relationships we have Concentrate on outcomes rather than structures Redesign systems to encourage more joined up working
Next steps Focus and momentum for emerging CCG Building strong relationships with local partners Developing organisational and governance arrangements Building a track record of taking forward innovative clinical commissioning with increasing delegated responsibility – delivery of QIPP Preparing to lead contracting and clarifying commissioning intentions from April 2012