BOH4M Personality
What is Personality? It includes a characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Embraces moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people It includes behavioral characteristics, both inherent and acquired, that distinguish one person from another and that can be observed in people's relations to their environment.
What Makes Up Personality? Inherent Characteristics Acquired Characteristics
Inherent Characteristics Each one of us is born with inherent personality characteristics - traits, meaning our biological genetic coding Determines the way our brain develops and how our personality expresses itself
Acquired Characteristics Learned parts of personality are called characteristics. Characteristics are the behavioral patterns that we develop as a result of what we have learned. They are the distinguishing qualities that differentiate us from others Are responsible for the formation of habits, comfort zones, quirks, and other behavioral patterns.
Theories of Personality Trait Approach –“Great leaders are born” Behaviour Approach –“Great leaders are made”
Trait Approach Assumes that certain physical, social, and personal characteristics are inherent in leaders. Sets of traits and characteristics were identified to assist in selecting the right people to become leaders. Physical traits include young to middle-aged, energetic, tall, and handsome. Social background traits include being educated at the "right" schools or upwardly mobile.
Trait Approach Social characteristics include being charismatic, charming, tactful, popular, cooperative, and diplomatic. Personality traits include being self-confident, adaptable, assertive, and emotionally stable Task-related characteristics include being driven to excel, accepting of responsibility, having initiative, and being results-oriented.
Behavioural Theorists Identified determinants of leadership so that people could be trained to be leaders Developed training programs to change managers' leadership behaviors and assumed that the best styles of leadership could be learned For example: theory Y versus theory X including situational management
What do you see?
Perception Is the process which people receive and interpret information from the environment. Perceptions are influenced by values, cultural background and other circumstances of the moment and can lead to distortion.
Perceptual Distortions Stereotypes – places attributes commonly associated to a specific group to a specific individual Halo Effect – when one attribute is used to develop an overall impression of a person or situation Selective perception – to define problems from only your point of view Projections – assuming your desires are also the desires of someone else