Study Hall Page 67 Questions 3-6
3. Explain the significance of the degradation of the environment in the decline of many African civilizations. Many African civilizations thrived on trade. It enabled them to build great architecture, create beautiful artefacts, and establish great civilizations. But the goods they traded stripped the land of its natural resources. Kush, for example, was the iron centre of Africa, but in order to make iron the Kushites had to cut down trees to burn as fuel. The demand for iron was so high that the trees could no longer replenish themselves and Kush could no longer produce iron. Deforestation led to soil erosion, which meant that the people could no longer farm. As a result, the empire eventually declined and disappeared. The people of Axum experienced a similar fate. Deforestation and soil erosion forced them to retreat into the highlands in search of new farmlands. Although they survived as a culture, they never regained their status as a great and powerful nation.
4. Discuss your ideas on why African civilizations achieved greatness. They had great leaders who worked to advance their empires. They took advantage of the benefits of their geographic location. They created art that reflected their cultures They created centres for learning and scholarship They had strong traditions and religious beliefs that united the people They developed world views that continue today They formed trade alliances that created wealth and prosperity They created cultures with strong values They invented new technologies
5. Advantages / Trade When countries had an abundant supply of a resource they harvested it to create tools, weapons, jewellery, and other wares that were demanded by other merchants. Merchants created alliances with other merchants from foreign lands. Kings, queens & merchants accumulated great wealth that accommodated grand lifestyles. Traders were exposed to different cultures and shared each other’s traditions and ideas. Trade helped towns grow and attracted educated elite such as teachers, lawyers & politicians Trade encouraged the development of advanced technologies that helped these states flourish and prosper
Disadvantages of Trade Many of the natural resources and the demand for products created from them eventually drained other natural resources Arranged marriages designed to strengthen trade bonds were at the expense of unwilling daughters and sons. Uneven accumulation of wealth, which led to the domination of some individuals and groups over others Invasion by Europeans
6. Highlight the impact Islam had on the early civilizations of Africa. –Some accepted the religion fully –Some rejected the religion completely –Some blended with their own beliefs (syncretism) –It reduced the political status of women in some societies, as women were rulers in parts of Africa. –Trade networks in North Africa & connected the people through international trade. –Timbuktu became a city of learning because of the Islamic universities –The appearance of African records written in Arabic –Loss of culture