Video Timeline Tyler Kelley
Chinese and Greek philosophers described the basic principles of optics and the camera. history-of-video-cameras
Johann Heinrich Schulze discovered that silver nitrate darkened upon exposure to light. history-of-video-cameras
First Panorama opens, the forerunner of the movie house invented by Robert Baker. history-of-video-cameras
Joseph Niepce achieves first photographic image with camera obscura history-of-video-cameras
The first image that was fixed and did not fade and needed under 30 minutes of light exposure. history-of-video-cameras
The first pinhole camera (also called the camera oscura) was invented by Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham). timeline/
The Daguerreotype camera was announced by the French Acedemy of Sciences. timeline/
The first American patent issued in photography to Alexander Wolcott for his camera. timeline/
The paranormic camera patened by Thomas Sutton. timeline/
Oliver wenderll holmes invents stereoscope viewer. timeline/
1794 First panorama opens, the forerunner of the movie house invented by Robert Baker ons/a/Photography.htm
1814 Joseph Niepce achieves first photographic image ons/a/Photography.htm
1837 Louis Daguerre's first daguerreotype /a/Photography.htm
1840 First American patent issued in photography to Alexander Wolcott for his camera. ons/a/Photography.htm
1843 First advertisement with a photograph made in Philadelphia. ons/a/Photography.htm
Eugene F. Lally of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory began working on a way to use a mosaic photo sensor to capture digital images. ory-of-digital-photography.html#axzz3FkStS597
1970: George Smith and Willard Boyle of Bell Laboratories built the first solid-state video camera ory-of-digital-photography.html#axzz3FkStS597
Kodak put out their Easy Share digital camera, which made it easy to snap pictures and download them to the computer era_timeline/32/
The camera phone was first used in Japan, but quickly spread around the world. era_timeline/32/
Kodak put out cameras that didn't have to be connected to a computer in order to download and share the pictures. timeline/32/